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  I am not sure what has woken me up,  but it is too early.  I slept well snuggled between Aiden and Dwyer,  but not long enough.  When we got home last night, Felix had me take a shower before he treated my wrists and all the other scrapes and cuts I had.  I had blood on me, dirt, leaves, and who knows what else.  I now had both wrists wrapped up and several band aids on some of the deeper scrapes I got from my mad dash through the trees.   Felix had also used his gift to help my concussion heal a little faster.  I almost felt normal.  I take a moment to just lay there.  I am on my side , my head and one arm laying on Dwyer.   Aiden was pressed up against me from behind,  face in my neck and one hand at my hip. 

  "Go back to sleep Doll,"  Aiden grumbles.  The vibration of his voice causes goose bumps to appear.  

  "Can't.  Bram will be here,"  I mumble back. 

 "Don't care.  He can choke on worms,"  is the reply. 

 I slap at Aiden's hand half heartedly.    "That's not nice Aiden.  What time is it?"  

  Dwyer answers, his eyes still closed. "Don't know, don't care.  I love you both, but shut up."

  Then the bedroom door opens.  I lift my head to see, Aiden groans.  It's Felix.  He smiles at and I can't help but smile back because his hair is sticking up in every direction and he is wearing pajama pants that have penguins on them.   "Hey darling, I want to check you out before the crow gets here."

  I pull myself out of Aiden's and Dwyer's grips and get out of bed.  It takes a minute because neither of them cooperate.  I glance at the clock- 6:47.  I tell Felix I need to use the restroom and that I will meet him in the living room in a moment.  He nods and leaves, rumpling his hair.  I can hear one of the guys behind me getting up a well. 

  I take care of my business, making sure to brush my teeth as well.  I take just a moment to stare at my reflection.   I have a bruise on my forehead  and bags under my eyes.  I brush my hair quickly, but do not bother to do anything with it.  I just put on these cotton shorts and this t shirt last night,  so I don't bother changing.  It is good enough. The bedroom is empty when I pass back through on my way to Felix.  I can hear movement in the kitchen.  Some one is making breakfast.    I sit on the couch next to Felix and he checks me over quickly but thoroughly.   My stomach growls.  We skipped dinner last night, and it was even longer than that since my last meal because of my adventure.  

  Felix smiles at me and helps me up out of the couch.  "Let's feed you."  He keeps my hand as we walk into the kitchen.   Owen is the one cooking.  He gives me a half smile as he plates up some scrambled eggs.    Kenji mumbles an "Ohayou"   from his spot at the table.   I repeat the good morning back to him in Japanese-  you got to practice when you can , you know.   Felix releases me to go to the coffee pot and I walk over to help Owen with plates.  Scrambled eggs, sausage, and by the smell of it,  the muffins are almost ready.  I smirk at Owen.  

  He winks at me, " I got up early, so thought I would just go ahead and make them after all."

  By the time all of the plates are at the table,  Dywer and Aiden are sitting down as well.  Owen hands me the filled bread basket to take over  and magically, as if summoned by the muffins,  Bram is pecking at the door to be let in.  I let him in and we all sit down to eat,  Bram perched on the back of my chair.   We all dig in.  There is an un spoken agreement-  nothing will be discussed until after breakfast.  The only sounds are those of forks on plates and the happy noises Bram is making as I feed him bits of muffin in between my bites of food. 

  I try to help clean up after we are all done,  but Owen sends me outside with Bram to talk.  The guys will handle the clean up since they can't hear Bram anyway.  It will give them something to do other than just staring at Bram and me.  Since he has a point,  I don't argue.   I settle on one of the chairs on the porch and take a moment to appreciate the fresh morning air.  Bram settles on the deck railing in front of me. 

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