Chapter 9: Dimples

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It seems like it took us no time at all to get to the rooms.  This is really not how I wanted to meet new people...  there are wild wisps of hair that have escape my braid, my arms are scraped up, and I am not even walking in there on my own feet.  Speaking of feet, I don't have my shoes on!  Aiden had swept me out of the car so fast, I didn't even think of my flip flops.  What a first impressions.  Aiden pauses at the door and turns slightly so we can see Dwyer and Kenji as they reach us.  I see that Kenji has my flip flops in his hand as well as my bag and book.  Dwyer has a book bag thrown over one shoulder. He pulls a card out of his pocket and uses it to open the door.  Dwyer holds open the door for the rest of us to enter,  Kenji walking in first , and  Aiden following.  

    I take in the room as Dwyer closes the door. The room is small.  There are two beds on one wall and a small table with a lamp in between them.   Across from the beds, on the other wall, is a long set of dressers with a tv on top of it.  The tv is on and it appears to be the local news,  but the volume is turned way down.   On the same wall that the tv is on, there is another door.  Straight across from the door we just came in from is an open door, and I can see a tub.  On the wall behind us, is a window and a very small table with two small chairs.  The carpet is a light brown, the furniture is a dark wood, and the bedding and curtains covering the window behind us, is in blues. 

   "Check out the cutie we found Felix."  At Dwyer's words, my eyes move to find the other man in the room who had been laying on the far bed.  He is now sitting up, and is swinging his legs around so he feet are on the floor.   He looks to be a little older than Aiden.  He has dark brown hair that is cut clean and short. It looks really soft and has just a touch of a wave.   There is some matching stubble on his cheeks and chin.   His eyes are a dark blue and are looking at Aiden and I curiously.  Like Dwyer, his face is full of good humor.  His eyes seem to sparkle with happiness and he has a relaxed smile on his face.   He is wearing a pair of dark jeans and a dark green polo shirt.  His feet are bare.  He has a medium build-  just a little slimmer than Dwyer, but not as slim as Kenji. 

   " Well hello Selene.  The boys have told me a little about you.  They also sent me a message just a little while ago saying you were hurt.  Let's take a look at you ok," Felix states as Aiden places me on the free bed across from Felix.  He has a wonderful English accent.  Like the ones you hear in the movies that make you sigh.   There is a moment where I hesitate to let go of Aiden- I don't want him to leave me here with the stranger even if he does have  a nice voice.  

   "I am staying right here doll," he assures me with a whisper and he stays true to his word.  He stands right there , his calves pressed to the bed right next to me.  I can hear Dwyer and Kenji moving about the room-Taking off shoes,  going to the bathroom, putting things away.   Knowing they are still close, I am able to keep myself calm.   I look at Felix , staring at the buttons of his polo. 

    "You are the healer?"  I ask in a soft , timid voice.

   "Oh, the boys have been talking about me," he chuckles.  "Yes. They mentioned on your way here that you guys discussed the energy that flows around us? "  At my small nod, he continues, " I can manipulate the energy that flows through all of us to encourage the body to heal itself.  I am also trained in emergency and field procedures.  I usually only use my special gifts in emergency situations.   Now lets see that ankle of yours. "  He motions with his hands for me to lift my foot up.  With gentle hands he captures my foot and places it on his knee.  His long and slender fingers probe around the swollen ankle.  I watch his face while his eyes are busy examining me.  He handsome face has turned serious and searching.  "Definitely swollen," he mumbles.  "Can you move  your foot side to side?"  It hurts, but I manage it.  "Good.  Now point and flex your foot a little?"  That hurts as well, but I can manage it too.  "You sprained it pretty good, but nothing appears to be broken. How did you manage to do this?"

     "Um,  well I..."

   "She fell from a fucking porch roof," Aiden growls.

     "Oh.  Well, no more roofs for you , got it ?   Lets wrap it up and ice it.  You will need to let it rest for a while.  I will give you some ibuprofen as well," he states as he starts taking a cloth bandage out of the small box next to him on the bed.  He tightly wraps my ankle with it , using the small plastic fastener it came with.   I hear the door open, and turn my head a bit to see Kenji leaving the room. I see Dwyer  watching us, leaning against the dresser with one leg crossed over the other and his arms crosses against his chest.  His relaxed posture helps to keep me from panicking about Kenji leaving.

    "Now, lets see your arms".   Felix lowers my foot to the floor and then takes one of my wrists so he can see the underside of my forearms.  "Oh, good . Not bad, just some scrapes.  From Aiden's text, I thought maybe you had huge gashes and were losing blood at an alarming rate, " he chuckles.  Aiden growls softly from beside me.  I sneak a quick glance up at his face- he is glaring at Felix.   Felix just ignores him and wipes my arms down with some antiseptic wipes.  It stings just a bit, but that is all.

     "Anywhere else you hurt?"

      I shake my head no. "I'm fine, thank you."

      I hear the door open and Kenji is walking back in with a small bucket.  

     "And here is the ice.  Make your self comfortable on the bed darling. "  I put my legs up on the bed and scoot my back to the headboard as Felix stood and walked to Kenji .  I took a moment to notice that he was about the same height as Dwyer.   Aiden grabs a pillow and places it under my foot carefully, while Felix takes what I now realize to be ice out of the bucket and is wrapping it up in a small towel.  He hands it to Aiden, who then sits on the bed near my feet and places the ice on my ankle.  Aiden's actions have the butterflies moving in my stomach and I am sure I am blushing.  Dwyer approaches me on my left with  a bottle of water and a couple of pills.  I take the pills, feeling a little silly with everyone hovering over me.  Dwyer takes the bottle of water back from me and places is on the small table between the beds.

     "Now darling, you just sit there and relax.  Owen should be here any moment now with some take out, "  Felix says as he watches the boys all move around me.

     "Oh good. I was hoping food would happen in the near future," Dwyer is full of his usual cheer as he settles next to me on the bed.  His closeness makes my face burn even more.  Kenji sits at the foot of the bed with his legs crossed, facing the rest of us.  I sneak a glance at Felix, who is still watching the boys with a curious look on his face. His eyes then move to meet mine and he tilts his head to the side just a little.  His gaze makes me a little nervous, and I lower my eyes to his chin.  His mouth curves in a smile.  I duck my head and play with the hem of my shirt. I seem to be the center of everyone's attention, and I am not sure what to do about it. I try not to fidget. I don't want to bump Aiden or Dwyer. 

    Felix shakes his head and chuckles a little, then moves to clean up his first aid box. 

   "Do you need anything Hime?"  Kenji questions softly. My breath catches a little and I look at him with wide eyes.  Hime.  He had called me that once before but  I was too excited at the time to really notice it.  I know from my Japanese studies that it means princess.  This beautiful boy is calling me a princess.  I didn't think it was possible, but my face heats up even more.  Any moment now , and I will burst into flame, I just know it.   I duck my head again and say no.  Aiden adjusts the ice pack slightly on my ankle.  Dwyer moves a little to get more comfortable.  Felix walks around the bed and comes up on my right side.  I am surprised when he sits down close to me on the bed as well.  I quickly look to the left  to confirm, that yes, the other bed is completely empty.  I look back at Felix , confused.  Why are we all crammed on this one bed?  He just smiles at me hugely as he leans back with his hands behind his head. 

  "Well, this is cozy, isn't it?"  Oh my.  Felix has dimples.

Woo hoo! An update and on time. Go me!  Next chapter will be Owen.

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