Chapter 26: Destination Unknown

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  True to Bram's word, Dwyer tossed and and turned all night with what I assumed to be visions.  I did manage to get a little sleep before Bram woke me at an ungodly hour.  The two of us found a nice little spot in the yard to sit  and Bram spent the whole morning tutoring me in gathering power.  We seemed to be at it for ever.  We focused on the gathering of different amounts of power-  starting with very small amounts,  and increasing the volume until I started to feel my insides burn.  The main focus was control.   What could I control?  How little? How much? By the end of the session I was covered in sweat, my insides felt bruised, and I was so hungry, I was pretty sure I could eat a whole cow. But now,  I didn't hesitate to reach for the energy flowing all around and I had learned that I could release it through my feet - meaning I no longer had to get down on all fours.  I also learned that I don't have to use the 'magic words' each time, as long as I released the energy with a sense of gratitude.   Bram stressed this a few times-  he didn't say why it was so important.  I suppose it is the polite thing to do though... 

  Once Bram was happy with the day's progress, he allowed me to stop and finally stretch out my achy body.   The guys must have been keeping an eye on us because Aiden came out shortly after to tell me to come in and eat.  I had then walked over to where Bram was scratching at the dirt.  He seemed very focused on his activity.  He had found a metal washer partly buried in the dirt.  I thanked him for the lesson, but he only responded with a distracted * yes, yes*  and then added that we would work again tomorrow.  He then informed me that he would be taking  'the shiny' and flew off with his prize.  It had made me smile.  

 When I finally made it back in the house, I was surprised to see that it was already 10.  Felix must have noticed my surprise because  he smiled at me and told me that Dwyer had needed some extra rest after the rough night. The smell of cooking food caught my attention at that point and soon we were all piled in the kitchen eating eggs, bacon, and hash browns.  I ate everything that was given to me.  Bram had warned me that I would need more food.  He wasn't kidding.  I probably ate twice as much as I usually did. 

  And that brings us to now.  We are all sitting in the living room.  I am on the couch with Aiden on my left and Kenji on my right, Felix, Owen, and Dwyer are on the floor, and  Mr. Adams is in his chair with some coffee. Now that my hunger is appeased,  I am noticing that Dwyer looks rather stressed.  I can't believe that I had forgotten about his vision!

 "Dwyer, you have the floor," Owen states as he motions elegantly with his hand.

  "Yeah, well the bird was right.  I did get a vision last night...."  Dwyer begins and then stops, rubbing his forehead.  He then mutters, "I don't know where to begin really..."  Everybody else sits patiently waiting for him to gather his thoughts,  but I can't help but fidget a  little with nervousness. 

  "I was in a room-  a war room maybe?-  not sure, but it was filled demons.  They all had pretty fancy clothes,  so not the usual kind we see.  They seemed to be arguing about something, but I couldn't hear anything.  Nothing at all. I could only see, and as usual the edges of everything are a little fuzzy.... Anyway, there was a table in the center of the room, and  I am pretty sure there were plans on the table.  Maps,  orders, that kind of thing.  The language is funky , so that is of no use, but I did see something on one of the maps marked 'academy'- which was in english.   More upsetting though, was that the area around it was familiar to me.  They know where head quarters are."

  "This doesn't make any sense," Kenji interjects.  "They always work alone, take what they want, leave a few corpses,  then leave or we find them and kill them.    We actively have to hunt them.  Why are they suddenly seeking us out, and now this?  They are organizing an attack?!"  

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