Chapter 21: Tacos and Cavemen

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We are soon pulling off at an exit  and pulling into a gas station.   Both cars are filled and we discuss lunch  Felix, Owen, and Aiden all want to eat at the sandwich place.  Kenji and Dwyer want to eat at the taco place across the street though. 

  "What do you want to eat Hime?"  Kenji questions.

  I think about it for a moment and then respond," I have never eaten tacos before. Can you I try those?" 

 Before Kenji can even a answer, Dwyer clutches at his chest dramatically  and exclaims, "No Chinese and now this?!  What did they feed you?  Come with us,  my woodland fairy!  We shall make sure you have tacos today!"   He ends kneeling on one leg and holding one of my hands in both of his.   Aiden and Felix are snickering and I can see other people staring at us.  My face is heating up but I can't help but laugh at him.  Owen is somehow ignoring the commotion. 

  "Are you done making a fool of yourself man?"  Kenji asks, his face and tone bored.

  "Yeah, dude, I'm done."  Dwyer says, back to his normal self as he stands up. 

 I get in Dwyer's car with Kenji , while Aiden gets in the car with Felix and Owen.  They make the quick trip to the subway next to the gas station, while we drive across the street to a Taco bell.

  We walk inside and up to the counter. The place is pretty empty.   There is a guys about our age working at the register.  He is just leaning on the counter looking bored, but when he sees us he straitens up and then grins. His eyes seem to find my face and for some reason it makes me uncomfortable.  I feel safe around my guys,  but I guess other people will still be an issue for me. I try to hide myself behind Dwyer.   "Well hey there.  What can I get ya?" the boy asks. 

  Kenji quickly gets the guy's attention and starts ordering the food.  He orders a lot.   They wind up buying not only tacos, but things called gorditas and chalupas, as well as some nachos.  It sounds like a ton of food but I am getting use to the idea that these boys all eat a lot.  Kenji pays for the food.  " We will bring it out to you as soon as it is ready," the boy tells us and then he looks at me again and winks. It confuses me, but  Dwyer quickly turns around and takes me with him.  I hear him mumble something under his breath.

  We find a booth and I sit by the window with Kenji beside me and Dwyer across from us. The boys share a look as we get in the booth, but don't say anything.  They both seem a little annoyed.  I play with the sleeve of my hoody, not sure what to say.  It is only a couple of minutes before our food is brought out to us.  There is a different guy that brings it to the table.   "Here you go."  he says at he sets it down. Dwyer says a small thanks.  The guy looks at me and nods his head strangely.  "Anything else you need?"

  Why is he only asking me?  This is strange.  I quickly look away and shake my head no as I try to make myself smaller in the booth. I feel Kenji tense next to me.  " No man, I think we are covered, "Dwyer answers.  His voice is hard and he is staring at the strange boy.  The boy gives a short nod and then is walking away.  It seems that we all take a deep breath when he is gone.

I get a little bit of everything and it isn't bad.  I can see that eating this stuff all the time wouldn't be good for a person though.  "Wait till you get to eat real Mexican food Cutie Pie.  This doesn't even compare to the real stuff," Dwyer says when he gets ready to start on his 4th taco. 

  "Have you ever had Japanese food Hime?" Kenji asks softly  as his puts hot sauce on his nachos.  I shake my head no and then he smiles at me,  "We will have to fix that sometime soon."

  "Oh Yeah!  We got to take her to one of those  hibachi grill places.  You know,  where they play with fire and squirt  sake in your mouth!"  I can't help but smile at Dwyer's  enthusiasm. 

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