Hunters or the Hunted?

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   "Why did you have to tell her that last part too?  She is terrified now!"  The anger in Kenji's voice surprises me.

   I am scared.  Very scared.  I would like to think that only a fool wouldn't be. ..  I can feel my insides rattling with fear.  It seems that I have escaped the pot, only to land in the frying pan... Oh, what horrors that last chalice probably lived through.  I am sure my over active imagination will be keeping me up at night. But theses are all things I need to know.  I need to know the dangers and how to protect myself.   I drop my head, my eyes looking at my lap but not seeing anything.   I can feel my breathing speed up and I try to slow it down by taking a deep breath.  Dwyer takes my left hand into one of his and gives it a squeeze.  I hadn't realized that I was wringing my hands again.  I look up into his face.  He is frowning at me and looks concerned. My attention is brought back to Owen when I hear him speak again.

  "Good!  It means she is an intelligent young woman.  She needs to know the dangers.  She will have to stay with us until this job is completed.  I will not have her questioning our instructions and putting herself, and us, in danger just because she is not fully aware of the situation," Owen is standing now, looking down at a scowling Kenji.  His voice is cold.  The tension in the room thickens as they stare at each other.  Kenji's hands are balled up in fists.  There isn't any screaming or physical violence like there is during a fight at home, but I still don't like it.  I don't even know how Kenji is managing to hold Owen's gaze still-  I would have peed my pants already if he was looking at me like that.  Why is he so upset about Owen telling my about the last chalice anyway?  It is definitely not worth getting in trouble over.

 "It's alright Kenji.  I would rather know every thing," I whisper.  He breaks eye contact with Owen to look at me.  I try to smile at him, but I am sure it comes out as a grimace instead.  Kenji huffs a little, then rakes his hand through his hair as he drops his gaze.   Aiden pats my foot while Dwyer gives my hand another squeeze.

   I gather my courage and look up at Owen.  My eyes meet his-  I am hoping he will see my sincerity.  " The last thing I want, is for anyone to get hurt because of me. I will do whatever you say and I will stay out of the way."  It is the truth.  I am a stranger to these guys, and yet they are helping me.  They have shown me so much kindness, and now they could be in even more danger than they were before, because of me.  I will do my best not to add anymore trouble than I already have.  Staying out of the way and following directions-  these are things that I am good at. I am not upset with Owen at all for telling me all that he did.  I am glad he did.  It may be scary, but I am tired of not knowing anything- of not experiencing anything.  Owen is trying to keep his family safe.  This makes me happy- and jealous.  I hope that someday, I can have a family to protect that will also try to protect me.  Owen seems to understand at least some of what I am feeling, because he gives me a business like nod, adjusts his sleeves a little, and his stance relaxes just a bit. 

 "Miss Selene, once this job is complete we will make sure to get you to the right people for training.  I have been told that you are 17," he pauses for me to confirm.  

 "I have also been told that things at home are strained and you have been isolated in your home most your life?"  I blush with shame and nod again.   Of course the guys would have told him everything. 

  "Did you happen to bring your birth certificate and social security card with you?" 

  Oh no.  I have no idea what he is talking about.  I am going to disappoint this man yet again. 

  "I .... um...  well...",   I look towards Kenji.  I am not sure why, it's not like he can answer for me... 

 "I'm sorry, I don't know what those are," I finally answer quietly. I am sure he can sense how lost I feel in the moment as he studies me again.  He seems to come to some conclusion.

  Suddenly, he breaks eye contact with me, "Aiden, you are with Felix tonight.  Dwyer, you will be with me.  Check your gear and get ready to go.  We have a demon to hunt down."  

  There is a sudden burst of activity as Aiden, Dwyer , and Felix all stand up and start moving. Dwyer and Aiden both go through the extra door that I had noticed;  it seems to open up into another room that mirrors this one.  Felix starts going through a duffel bag that had been on the floor. 

  "Kenji, you are to stay here with Miss Selene.  Find all the information you can on her and obtain duplicates of her documents if you can," Owen commands.

  Kenji hops off the bed,  "Of course." 

  I hear Owen mumble to him, "I suspect that you will find very little," and then he walks away from Kenji to gather his stuff. 

  " I am going to go grab my computer.  I will be right back," Kenji tells me with a smile and then he walks into the other room with Aiden and Dwyer.  I feel out of place just sitting on the bed while everyone else is moving with purpose.  I remind myself that the most important thing I can do right now is to stay out of the way.  I watch Felix and Owen go through their bags.  It seems that everything is basically ready to go, they are just double checking that everything is there.  I am not able to see a whole lot, but there seems to be medical supplies, and ,  oh my! I think that was a gun!

  I am distracted by Kenji coming back into the room with his lap top.  He sits cross legged on the other bed and opens the computer.  The screen lights up as it comes to life.   Then Dwyer and Aiden walk in, both with their bags thrown over a shoulder.  

  "Did you lock the door, using both the deadbolt and chain?"  Owen asks while zipping up his bag.  Aiden rolls his eyes, and Dwyer answers with a yes. 

   My eyes get really big when I see that Felix is strapping a small knife to his leg under his pants.  He catches me watching him and winks at me. 

  "Lock the deadbolt and chain behind us Kenji.  Red line me immediately if you see, hear, or sense anything suspicious," Owen commands.

   Kenji answers immediately, "Yes sir."

   Owen then catches my eyes, making sure he has my attention. " You are to stay in this room with Kenji.  Follow his instructions if anything happens.  He is well trained and knows what he is doing."

   I repeat Kenji's reply, "Yes sir."  The right corner of his mouth twitches up just the tiniest bit, and for just a quick second.  I am left stunned.

  "Lets try to get this thing tonight gentlemen," Owen says as he swings his bag on his shoulder.  He continues, "Once this thing notices Miss Selene, we will go from being the Hunters to the Hunted." 

  A shiver runs through me.  I do not want to be hunted.  Aiden's scowl turns more fierce and Dywer grimaces.

  "Well mates, lets get!" Felix says joyfully.  How can he be so laid back about this?  I am starting to get so nervous for them.  My chinese food feels like it may make another appearance soon. I know they know what they are doing.  They are very confident and they have all been trained, but I wish they didn't have to do this.

 Before I know it,  the four of them are out the door and Kenji is locking us in.   He turns to me with an easy smile on his face,  "So, what do you want to watch?"

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