Chapter 7: The Great Escape

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      My head is spinning and my poor brain doesn't know what thought to grab hold of first.  Aiden wants to kidnap me, but Dwyer said no.  Something scary has been in the woods here, and they are expecting it to find me.  Oh, and what is it that they think I am?....I have been squeezing the life out of Kenji's poor hand the whole time Aiden has been ranting.  I am sure he would probably like for me to let go, but I can't.  The only thing I can manage to do is to say "what?!"

     Kenji sighs beside me and mumbles something under his breath.  I am pretty sure it is Japanese, but I am not able to really catch any of it. Dwyer now has one hand on his hip and the other hand appears to be pressed over his eyes.  His back is still to me and his shoulders are now slumped, making him suddenly look tired, and his voice confirms it, "Way to be dramatic, man."

    Aiden gives Dwyer the middle finger,  then looks back at me. "Selene, you don't know us well yet, and I know it all sounds insane, but you felt it yourself.  You know that there has been something out here that doesn't belong here.   Our team was sent here to hunt down this thing and kill it.  If you were a normal girl, I would just tell you that a crazy man was hanging around, and to stay inside and out of the woods for a while.  But these things like to hunt people like us, and you may be an even bigger temptation for it."

    "What is it?"  I ask quietly.  "Why would it want me?"  I press myself even closer to Kenji and my free hand grabs at the forearm of the hand that is holding mine.  Thankfully, he doesn't try to pull away, but instead, lets me cling to him.  Aiden looks to Dwyer, who has just been watching him this whole time with his arms folded across his chest.  Dwyer now puts both hands up into the air and shakes his head.

   "No, no.  You started it, you can just keep going.  I was going to leave this to Owen, dude."

     Aiden sighs and starts speaking to me again. "Well, you can feel and see the energy, so we think you may be a Chalice.  We call the things we hunt demons, but they are kind of like vampire- only they don't suck blood..."  I am totally confused now.  Aiden drops his gaze and scratches his head a little .  "Shit, I am making a total mess of this." 

    Kenji chuckles dryly, "Yes. Yes you are."   I look from Aiden to Kenji, then to Dwyer. 

    "I don't understand. What is a Chalice?  A vampire that doesn't suck blood...?"

   Dwyer answers, "Selene, what the goof is trying to say is that because of your ability to see energy as well as feel it, you may be a special kind of treat for this demon.  The demons we hunt feed on energy in a way that is similar to how vampires feed on blood in stories.  It would really be best if you could come with us.  Owen can explain everything you need to know and answer all your questions, and more importantly, he will know how to keep you safe.  He will probably know just what you are and how to go about things to get you trained. "  His voice is back to the soothing and confident voice that I have quickly come to love.

    "What about Mary and my mother? Won't they be in danger too?"

    "They will be in less danger if you leave the area.  Just like we can sense the demons, they can sense us.  You will be like a beacon, and it will surely take anyone else that is in its path to you.   How about you go pack a small bag and you can just stay with us until we are sure this thing has been taken care of."  

   They are all watching me, waiting for me to say ok.  I don't know what to do though.  I will be in so much trouble when it is found out that I have left the house.  But , I don't really feel like dying any time soon...  Mary certainly doesn't deserve to die, and as much as I don't like my parents, I don't want them to be hurt either. I wonder how long it will take to find this thing?  Once they find it, what would be keeping others like it from finding me? If it would only be a night or so, I could probably just sneak back in and nobody will be the wiser.  Any longer than that though, and Mary is bound to notice that I am gone and say something to Mother. A shudder runs through my body as I consider the consequences.  How long would I be locked in the closet this time?  Would the punishment even be the closet for something like this?  It would probably be much worse....  Would it be better for me to leave and just never come back?  I am 17 now; only another year and I would be leaving anyway... They are offering to help me now, but what would I do when I am on my own, after they leave?  Oh god, the thought of them leaving when they are done makes me want to cry. 

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