Chapter 8: An Epic Adventure

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Sorry for not updating last weekend.  With holiday plans,  (WEBN fireworks!) and life in general,  it just didn't get done.  Tried to write monday night,  but the hubby got drunk.  He is a cute drunk , but annoying.  Doesn't shut up, and I hear the same stories over and over again.  And lord forbid you not pay attention to him!  It could be worse though :)  Anywho, here is the next chapter.  I do plan to write another one later this weekend as well to get caught up.

     I am looking at my lap , trying not to wring my hands. I can feel all the boys staring at me, and I know my face is on fire again.  The pressure of their gazes lessen, and I look up to see them all exchanging glances with each other.  Aiden is still hovering over me.  I look to his face and he then looks down at me.  His mouth is pulled in a straight line. 

    "Well, this will be an epic adventure then!", Dwyer says in a cheerful voice as he claps his hands together.   "And you are in good hands, cause I'm driving."  He snaps his seat belt on and starts adjusting mirrors.   Aiden is standing straight now, but is still looking at me intently.  I hear a bang and I jump.   "It's just the trunk, cute stuff", Dwyer comforts.   

   "Aiden, maybe she should sit in the back with me.  So she can prop her foot up."  Kenji has come back from the trunk to stand next to Aiden.  He has his hands on his hips, and he tilts his head a little to get his black hair out of his face. 

   "Sure.  Yeah."  Aiden grumbles. He sounds distracted and he is still looking at me like he is trying to figure me out. 

  Dwyer sings "Chop, chop, guys!  I'm getting hungry."

   Before I know it, Aiden is pulling me back out of the car and into his arms.  Kenji has already opened the back door and I am being placed in a new seat.  A moment later, Kenji is sitting next to me, having come in from the other side.  Aiden sits up in the front with Dwyer and all the doors are now closed.  Dwyer turns on the car.  The noise from the car and the vibrations coming from my seat makes me gasp.  Kenji chuckles .  I watch as he buckles his seat belt and then I try to figure mine out.  Which one of these straps is it? 

    "Here , let me help you", Kenji says as he leans over me.  He is really close.  I feel something strange in my stomach, like butterflies flapping their wings.  I hold my breath as he pulls the strap across me and the the seat  belt makes a clicking sound, his fingers brushing against my hip.  "There you go.  All set.   Now sit sideways, and put you feet up on my lap."  I hesitate.  Surely he doesn't want my dirty feet on his lap....

    "He won't bite you cutie".  I look to the front seat to see Dwyer looking back at me . He gives me a wink. "Watch out for Aiden though.  I hear he does."

   A snort comes from Aiden and he wacks Dwyer in the chest with the back of his hand.  My face is red again  and I am confused.  Aiden looks a little scary, but he seems nice; why does he bite?  I do as Kenji asked.  I leave my flipflops on the floor of the car and sit sideways, scooting against the door.  Kenji's eyes catch mine and he slowly moves his hands to pick up my feet  placing them gently on his lap. His hands are warm and smooth.  They feel really nice on my skin. My face won't be returning to its normal color anytime soon.  To distract myself, I let my thoughts return to the biting comment.  Aiden starts fiddling with his phone and he and Dwyer are talking about a gps or something like that.  Why would Aiden bite someone?  Demons exist, maybe there are other things out there that I thought were just stories.  Vampires bite.  No- he couldn't be.  Werewolves do too, I think.  Aiden is pretty huge....  and strong.....  And he seems to growl a lot!



  "Are you a wolf?"  I don't mean to pry into personal stuff, but if I am in a car with a werewolf, I would like to know..

  He cusses at the phone in his hand , then questions "What are you talking about doll?"  His attention is still primarily on the phone that seems to not be cooperating with him. Dwyer is mumbling things to him about fat fingers and is trying to take the phone from Aiden. 

  "Is that why you bite?  You are a wolf?" 

   "What?"  he suddenly swings his upper body back to look at me.  The sudden movement has me pressing myself further back into my seat.  I know my eyes are probably huge right now.  Dwyer is laughing loudly  and Kenji  chuckles as he starts patting my shins.  Aiden is staring at my face, like he is trying to find something.  It is intense and I can't seem to move.  It feels like eternity.  Then his face softens and one side of his mouth curves up just a little. "No baby doll. I promise I am all man."  he voice has dipped really low and is rougher than usual.  This only seems to set Dwyer off again  and Kenji is now shaking with his head in his hand, turned to his window.  I think he is laughing too, but I am not sure. I feel my face scrunch up.  I am so confused right now.  I see Dwyer snatch the phone from Aiden's hand , but Aiden doesn't seem to care, he is still watching me. 

    "then..... why...?"   Aiden just tilts his head to the side a little as he continues to watch me. 

I look to Kenji for help.  "Hime, just ignore them.  Dwyer was just teasing Aiden.  They are both idiots."


   Aiden snorts, then turns his body forward in his seat.  Dwyer hands the phone back to him mumbled "now , don't touch anything" and then the car is moving.   The weird conversation is forgotten and I am filled with excitement.  My head swings side to side, trying to see everything I can through the windows.  For the first five minutes or so, there is nothing but trees on either side of us. Then the trees slowly give way to buildings- houses mostly.  Then there are other buildings-  lots of buildings.  Stores, gas stations, -  and lights .  It was now starting to turn dusky and there were lights everywhere.  It was beautiful .  And the people!  So many people, all very different from each other; and most of them don't look much like the people I see on tv.   That's a relief.  Everyone on tv seems a little too perfect.  Part of me is aware of the two boys in the front talking quietly and Kenji watching me, but I am too excited to pay them any attention.  My whole body is in on the swiveling now, and Kenji has to grab a hold of my legs more firmly to keep them from falling off his lap.   I mumble a sorry to him, but he just smiles at me.  Its a full smile, not a smirk.  It seems to be full of joy and it makes me smile too. 

     For the rest of the ride, Kenji points out as many places as he can and tells me what they are.  We even pass by a school and then a library!   I hope I can stop in side there sometime soon.  It seems like we are pulling into a parking spot too soon.  I want to see more, but Kenji  says that this is the hotel they are staying in.   He then shows me how to unbuckle the seat belt.  I can't believe how patient he has been with me.  I feel so warm and happy in this moment. The guys all get out of the car and before I can even open my door, Aiden has it open and is pulling me up into his arms.  

   I squeak , "You don't have to carry me.. "

   "You ain't walking on that ankle, doll.  Not till Felix gives the all clear"  he states as he walks us away from the car.  I tilt my head all the way back to see behind him.  Kenji and Dwyer are pulling my bag and some of their stuff out of the trunk. 

   "We'll get your wounds looked at and have that conversation with Owen".  I tense at the mention of their names.  More new people.  What will they be like?  Will they be nice too?  I have already met three kind people, surely my luck is abut up...  I am more than due to meet someone ... unpleasant.  I can feel my self start to tremble a little.  Will they think I am a burden?  I look at my hand which is now scrunching up Aiden's shirt real tight. 

   "Doll, you are going to permanently wrinkle my shirt...  It will be fine.  They won't hurt you. " Aiden's voice is a soft whisper.  I look up into his face.  His eyes are gentle. Then he continues, his voice stronger, determined,  "No one is going to hurt you. Not on my watch."

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