The part where the bad guy talks, and talks...

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  My mouth is dry and tastes disgusting.  Not surprising really-  I never did get to rinse my mouth out after puking.  My head aches and when I lift it, it feels like a heavy bowling ball is rolling around in there.  Thankfully the shack is pretty dim inside. The only light in the room is coming from in between the wooden boards covering the one window in the building. My neck and shoulders ache; probably because I am now tied up to something.   I look behind me as best I can.  It's a table leg.  Probably not the most secure thing to tie a captive to, but looking around the rest of the room,  it is his best option.  There is a small rusted cot across from me, and a tipped over and broken chair not far from my table. There is also a lot of dust and cobwebs.   That's it.  My kidnapper is not even in the room.  

  I test the weight of the table.  I am able to press back into and move it.  It is pretty light, but the knots tying me to it are tight, and there is no wiggle room to try to shimmy the rope  down the leg.  I start wiggling my hands and arms as much as I can to try to create some space there.  I have never been tied up though so I don't really know what I am doing.  I seem to only be rubbing skin off.  I really hope that the guys are on the way to me.  I hope they can find me.  Did Owen get the images I tried to send? Is it enough information for them to find me?   Are they even on their way here?  I need to try my best to rescue myself.  

  The door swinging open and then violently hitting the wall startles me out of my thoughts.  Edwards stomps in glaring at me. 

  "Awake are you?  You weren't out very long.  I was hoping maybe you would just stay knocked out.  Took me longer than I thought it would to find you guys.  All the digging I had to do to find you was starting to raise suspicion." 

  He grabs my chin to force me to look up in his face.  

 "A chalice huh?   You guys are a pretty rare delicacy for those bastard demons you know.  You were supposed to guarantee my safety and favor with them." 

  He lets go of my face and then takes a few steps over to the cot on the opposite wall.  He kicks it hard into the wall causing me to flinch in surprise.   He stills for a moment and lets out short, desperate laugh.  

 "I'm not an evil man you know.  I am sure you think I am.  I'm just realistic.  Planning for my future."  He seemed to be talking to the wall more than to me at the moment.

 "Change is coming.  We have been able to stay ahead of the asshole demons for so long because they were unorganized.  Like animals, it was every demon for itself.  Not anymore.  They got themselves a leader."  He turns to face me.

 " A leader who decided he wanted you."

  I thought the bad guys only explained their motives and plans like this in books and on movies.....

 "He caught me off guard one night.  I should be dead, but he needed me.  All I had to do was cause some chaos in the Academy-   give him some inside info, spread some bad intel  to our people,  and then deliver you to him.   In return I would be safe after the take over  and live the rest of my days out in luxury.  But the bastard went and got himself killed by his right hand man."

  I decide to risk a question, "Then you can let me go now right?"

 Edwards laughs at me, " No. The new leader in charge wants you too.  He thinks I should just hand you over with no reward though.  That ain't going to happen.  We will just hide out until he decides it will be easier to reward me with what I want than it is to hunt us down. "

 He rights the cot and sits down on it. I don't see how his plan is going to work for him.  Even if the new leader agrees to his terms,  he has already proven that he can't be trusted-  I mean, he killed his boss and all....  Edwards ignores me as he makes several calls.  It sounds like he is trying to find people willing to help him "lay low for a little bit with his niece".  Judging by his growing frustration,  he doesn't seem to be getting very far.   Meanwhile, I am trying to put together a plan to get myself out of this mess.  I will not be able to wiggle my way out of these ropes anytime soon, especially not with Mr. Edwards sitting in the same room as me the whole time.

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