Breaking Point

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"Hey Cutie Pie! This is Aiden. He's a friend of ours, " said Dwyer with a big smile.  I took a couple of steps closer to him as he continued.   "I told him we found a forest fairy, but he didn't believe me."

     I could feel my face heat up at Dwyer's words and I keep my face ducked down.  I hear Aiden give a little huff under his breath, then say " You're embarrassing her, you moron."                              

    Dwyer chuckles and then closes the space between us, draping his arms across my shoulders.  "You can't deny its true man."  

     My whole body tenses up.  I wait to see what will happen next, but everyone is silent. I tilt my head to look up at Dwyer and he looks down and catches my eyes, smiling.  I quickly lower my eyes to his chest.  His whole posture seems relaxed.  Letting out the breath I didn't realize I was holding, I start to relax just a little.  This is normal then.  People touch.  I take another deep breath then look at Aiden's feet.  I take in his scuffed blue tennis shoes and his worn, and comfortable looking blue jeans.  I follow them up to see his gray t shirt that looks to be barely containing his chest and arms, and then eventually let my eyes travel up to his face.  He has some blondish stubble on his chin and cheeks, giving him kind of a rough look  and I see that he has hazel eyes.  I quickly lower my eyes back to his lips, which are now pulled up on one side in a smirk.

 "No, I can't deny it.  She is all you said she is."  Aiden's voice is low and deep.  I thought my face was red before, but now I am sure it is on fire.  I am now so flustered that all thoughts of the conversation I had walked in on are now gone.

   Kenji clears his throat.  "So.... shall we eat?"  I look towards him and try to muster up a small smile to thank him for  saving me from this awkward situation.   He smiles back and holds up a very full grocery bag.  Kenji appear to be wearing the same jeans and shoes as he was yesterday, this time with a black hoody.  It has a silver dragon on the front of it and the sleeves are pushed up to his elbows. 

     We all sit the ground in a loose circle and Aiden helps pass around some sandwiches wrapped in plastic, as Keiji gives everyone a bottle of water.

      "Do you want pb & j or ham and cheese little doll?"  I look at Aiden's hands in surprise.  I wring my hands a little in my lap nervously. 

    "It doesn't matter- I'll eat whatever you don't want."

   "There is plenty of both here.   If you don't choose, I'll give you one of each," he says and then grumbles under his breath, "You should probably eat two anyway."

    "Can I have the peanut butter and jelly?"  I ask.  I would probably burst if I ate two.  

   We all start eating.  The boys are quiet , but it is a comfortable quiet.  Soon they are all starting on their second sandwiches.  Dwyer starts asking Kenji about a new game they are playing; something online that I have never heard of.  Listening to their conversation has something wonderful blooming in my chest.  This is what people do- they eat and have conversation together.  I soak it all up while the ever present blue green energy tickles at my legs, and the birds sing  their songs up in the trees that surround us.  I am having lunch with strangers, and yet I feel warm and peaceful.

    "Do you play any on line games Selene?"  I look towards Kenji and shake my head no.

    " You should take a look and let me know if you see something interesting.   I will play with you," he says easily as he smiles at me.

   It sounds nice, but of course I wouldn't be able to play any games that cost money.  I have the credit card,  but Mother and Father won't like it if there are charges for things other than school books.  I smile at Kenji and say ok anyway.  His kindness sends a rush of happiness through me.

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