Car Sick

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  I am lying in a car.  I can tell by the motion and the sound of the road.  My head hurts so bad and I am afraid to open my eyes. 

  "... I got her.  About the payment.... " Edwards' voice sneers from the front seat.  I don't hear or sense anyone else.  He must be on a cell phone. 

  I open my eyes a little, but can't see much in the dark car.  Doesn't seem to be any street lights either- we must not be on any major roads then. 

  Edwards hisses, "That was not the agreement!  I don't care  if the bastard is dead!  You will keep his part of the deal or you won't get the girl!"

  The glow from the phone lights up half of his face.  He looks pissed.  He swipes the screen and then tosses the phone into the passenger seat beside him.  A string of curses leaves his mouth as he grabs the sheering wheel in both hands and makes a sudden turn.  My wrists are tied up with rope of course, so I can't really catch myself well.  I almost fall out of the seat and my head slides into the door painfully.  I hiss out in surprise and pain.  

  "Awake poppet?" I hat that name-  it feels all kinds of wrong.  He continues angrily, " Change of plans.  Assholes think they can pull a fast one on me.  They obviously don't know who they are messing with." 

  God, I feel like I am in a bad action movie.  It's all so cliche-  the kidnapping, the rope, one bad guy screwing over the other...He seems to think for a moment and then fumbles for the phone.  The car swerves.  Great, I won't have to worry about demons,  he is going to kill us both before they can get us.  He finally gets the phone and then corrects the car, only to start swerving again as he fiddles with it.

  "Fuck!" he yells and suddenly hits the breaks.  This time I do roll out of the seat and onto the floor of the car.  I take advantage of the moment of stillness to push myself into a sitting position.  I stay on the floor though- might be safer.  It also puts me closer to my kidnapper so I can see what he is doing on the phone.  Looks like a map on the screen.  He starts the car again. 

  "Where are we going?" I ask uncertainly. 

  "Where ever I damn well please! Now shut up!"  he yells. 

  I decide to get back into the seat after all.  Maybe if I look I the window I might see something useful.  Its a struggle with my hands bound, but I do manage to get the seat belt on.  At the moment, Edwards' driving is the biggest threat to my life.  I check the door handle to see if I can get out if he slows down or stops again.  He must notice my actions. 

  "Child safety locks, my poppet, " he sneers.  I look out the window felling helpless After a few minutes of silence, we get on a highway. I stare at the sign, then close my eyes and reach for Owen.  My head hurts so bad and I can't reach him.  My hands reach up to grab the stone at my neck.  If only Bram or his goddess could help me now.


 *Bram?*  I try speaking my thoughts to him in my head.  I don't want to alert Edwards that I am up to something. 

  *I thought you would never ask for help!  There are rules ya know,* he answers cryptically. 

  *I can't reach the guys and I don't know where I am!*  I am getting panicky now that there is someone to talk to . 

  *Take off the stone.  It dampens your abilities,*he says.

  *I thought it protected me?*

  *It does- from yourself.  You had to learn some control first.  You were making guys puke and seeing vision not meant for you.  If we didn't do something, you would have burned the house down as soon as you worked with the big, brainless one,* Bram explains in a matter of fact way. *You should be able to reach up-tight spectacle guy now.  Also,...*  Now he sounds hesitant. 

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