Chapter 23: A Disembodied Voice and Rolling Heads

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  Mr. Adams runs back into his room and I can hear him moving around in there quickly.  I don't hesitate any longer, and run back to the living room.  Aiden is still awake, and is propped up on one elbow watching me.  

  "We have to wake everyone now," I loudly whisper , thinking that I will shake everyone awake.

  "Wake up!!" Aiden booms, making me jump. 

  I am suprised at how quickly everyone reacts.  A small lamp is turned on and everyone is throwing on shoes and gathering weapons.  Good lord!  is that a?!...  Yes, that is a sword!  Where the heck has Dwyer been keeping that?  Mr Adams joins us in the living room with a grumble,   "So much for retirement..."

 "What is the situation?"  Owen demands as he loads his second gun. 

  "One of my alarms went off.  May be a deer, but better safe than sorry," Adams answers with a quick glance in my direction.  He continues, "Seems like you guys may have a better alarm system than I do though.  I am pretty sure little angel here knew  something was up before my sensors did...."

  Owen acknowledges him with a brisk nod and says, "Do we know what direction it may be coming from?"

  "From the east.  But it could be just about anywhere by now..." 

  "Understood.  Gentlemen, you know what to do.  Stay in teams."  Owen's orders are firm.

  "What should I do?"  I ask uncertainly. 

Before he  an answer, Kenji asks, "Hime, can you sense anything?  You know, like you did in the tree?"

  I shake my head in frustration,  "Only that something is wrong.  I can't tell where it is coming from."

Kenji addresses Owen, "Too much dead material here... If we can get her outside, I bet she could pick up on something..."

  Owen seems to hesitate, but then nods.  "We will try it.  Aiden and Dwyer, walk her out.  No more than a few steps though."

  My whole body is tingling in anticipation as we walk towards the door.  Aiden slowly opens the door and then scans the area.  I am ushered out the door a moment later and I stay close to Aiden,  Dwyer right behind me.  Both boys are tense and seem ready for anything.  I step off of the small porch, but don't feel anything.   Last time i was in the tree....  I slide my feet out of the tennis shoes that I had put on only moments earlier.  I dig my toes into the grass and take a deep breath, closing my eyes.  I trust the guys to keep me safe.  It almost seems natural this time.  I am swept up in the energy flowing all around and my senses scatter everywhere, hunting. I find it -  and it ain't no deer.  I feel m y arm lift and know I am pointing in the correct direction.  I hear Dwyer open the door and say "She's got it." , but I keep my eyes close and zoom my attention in on the target.   I feel the guys surround us.  I am pretty sure everyone is out of the house now. 

 Owen commands, " Lets go." They start walking out in the yard.  I feel Aiden and Dywer stay put though.  I gasp as suddenly my target seems to split into two. 

  "There are two of them."  I hiss in terror. This causes everyone to stop instantly. 

  "Miss Selene, are you sure?"  Owen's voice is low but still commanding. 

 I further block out the feeling of the guys around me to better concentrate on the demons.  Yup definitely two, and splitting off in different directions.  My other comes up to track the second target.  I don't say anything, desperately trying to keep my concentration from breaking. 

  "Shit!"  I hear someone say, and then plans are being changed.  I can't listen to their conversation and keep track of the demons though, so I don't even try.  I just continue to track the demons' movements.   I have just enough awareness of the men around me to know that they aren't leaving the area now.  It seems we will be making our stand here... 

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