The Plot Thickens... ( or: the author may need to make this a series)

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  "Bram! Please stop!"  I shout as I raise my arms up to protect my face from his wings.  The guys are all either doing the same or ducking.   Thankfully, Bram stops all the fluttering and swooping.  He settles on a low branch that puts him more or less, at face level to me.  He doesn't truly settle  though.  He is still really agitated.   He is practically  hopping from one foot to the other and his head keeps jerking all around. 

  "Bram, what is it?"  I ask in concern as I approach him.  The guys all gather together in a clump behind me, but make no move to get closer to the raven. 

  *I was with My Lady and he came to her with the stink of demon all over him!*  he hissed in my mind. 

  I plead, "Who?"


 Well, that didn't clear anything up. 

 "Who is Rudianos?" I ask. 

   Owen clears his throat and says, "I have come across that name before....  I think in one of the books about the Celts?"

  *The polite one is correct.  He is one of the gods of war,*  Bram confirms, bobbing his head. 

  "He says he is one of the gods of war," I translate for the others. 

  Kenji mumbles,  "That can't be good."

  *He wants My Lady to assist him with using the vermin to destroy and enslave the human race.*

 "What!?  Why would a god do that?"  I ask in shock.  

 * Who knows?  Maybe he is bored? Maybe he thinks he will acquire more power.  My Lady did not say,*  Bram shrugs. 

  Owen demands, "What is he saying Selene?"

  * My Lady likes a good war,  but for Rudianos to suggest that she would even consider working with such filth, is an insult!* Bram stamps his feet as hard as he can. 

  "Miss Selene...."  Owen is getting impatient, but I need more information from Bram.  I hold my hand up to shush him.   I hear someone behind me cover up a snicker with a fake cough. 

  "Just where does your lady fit in with all of this?" I question.  I am nervous to hear his answer.  Bram and his lady have seemed to be helpful up to this point,  but he did just do a very good job of reminding me that not all gods will truly help, or even like, humans.   A lot of the stories about gods seemed to be rather cautionary.  She might have just been playing with us all this time. 

  * She wishes to be worshiped as she was in the past.  To be loved and feared.  To be respected as she should be!  This will not happen if you humans are not free to come to your senses,* he answers haughtily. 

 * My Lady has known that something not right was happening.  That is why I was sent.  She did not know though, that one her own kind was involved.  This changes the game.  Humans alone can not stop this.  He is coming to this plane!  And he is bringing an army most foul!*  Bram  ended his little speech with a dramatic opening of his wings.   I wait a moment to see if he will continue, but he just lowers his wings and then starts preening. 

  I turn to address the anxious guys behind me.  "Well, a god of war is behind the demons uniting.  It seems he is helping them to enslave the human race or something along that lines.  Rudianos went to see Bram's lady for help."

  "Well she isn't going to help this god, right?" Dwyer asks in concern. 

  Glad to provide some good news, I answer quickly.  "No.  It seems she wants nothing to do with demons and would be very upset if there was no one to worship her. " 

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