: First Date

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  The fajitas turned out really well I think. I didn't screw up anything too bad and it was fun to cook with Aiden.  The guys seemed to like it too.  There were no left overs.   Since I had helped cook,  I wasn't  allowed to help with clean up.  Kenji and Owen where in the kitchen doing that.  I could here the sounds of water running, dishes clanging in the dishwasher, and easy conversation coming from the kitchen now.   I am currently sitting in the living room with Aiden and Dwyer.  I am sitting in the corner of the couch with my feet on the cushion, knees pulled into my torso,  just watching them.  They are taking apart and cleaning a bunch of guns. I am still not sure how I feel about guns...  I can definitely see a need for them after spending some time with the guys,  but I really don't want to touch one myself.  

  "Doll, I will teach you how to do this as well, "  Aiden says, seeming to know exactly where my thoughts are.

  "Not tonight though."  says Felix as he enters the room with a smile.  "Tonight I need her assistance with some shopping.  That is if you don't  object darling?" 

  "Of course I will go with you. "  I answer with a smile as I unfold my body and stand up. 

  "Excellent!  I need to pick up some more first aid stuff for the house- we are lacking." 

  Aiden grumbles,  "Can't you do that yourself?"

  " I could, but I don't want to ," Felix smirks.  "Don't be a spoil sport Aiden.  You got her all to yourself while you were making dinner.  You must learn to share."

  Felix's words make my face heat up a little so I walk towards the door where my shoes are to put them on.  I make sure to turn my face away from the guys.   I am still close enough to hear Aiden whine,  "But I don't wanna..."  and Dwyer's chuckle.   Butterflies flutter in my tummy.   Felix is suddenly behind me and 'whispering' loudly in my ear,  "hurry , we need to leave before her turns all possessive caveman!"  The suddenness of his presence so close makes me gasp in surprise.  His breath on my neck makes me tremble.  The moment feels so .... intimate?  is that the word I am looking for?  

  "I heard that you asshole!"  Aiden yells as he picks up his dirty rag. So quickly, my head almost spins, Felix yanks open the door, pushes me through, spins out the door himself, and pulls it closed.  As soon as the door is closed, we both her the thump of the rag hitting the wood.   I giggle at the boys' antics.  

  "Violent one isn't he?" Felix says as he too laughs.   He then guides me to the car, a hand at the small of my back, and opens the passenger side door for me.  

  The ride into town is comfortably quiet.   It takes us about 30 minutes to there.  We end up at another Walmart.  

  "These places are everywhere on this side of the pond.  It's like an infestation, " he mumbles as he turns off the car.

  Once inside we grab a cart and head  to the pharmacy area.  Felix soon has the cart half full with supplies.   "Is there anything you want or need darling?"

  I had actually just been thinking that my monthly would soon be coming....  Good god,  how embarrassing-  for both of us...  But I have to have them.  

  "Um, actually....  I  do need some.... well, I  need some pads."  I take a peek at his face to see if he is just as mortified as I am.  Surprisingly, he seems to be just fine.  

  "I think those are just over here.."  he says calmly as he heads to said isle. 

  I am shocked by the isle.  Who knew there were so many choices?  I always just used what Mary brought me....  Not wanting to spend any more time than absolutely necessary in here,  I grab the first thing that looks somewhat familiar.   

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