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    I eventually find some random cartoon to watch.  It looks to be pretty adult oriented, but I am not really watching it.  Instead, I am watching Kenji as he works on his lap top.  He is sitting on the bed, hunched over his little computer .   His face is serious as he concentrates.  The front bits of his black hair keep falling into his eyes and periodically, he uses is long, graceful fingers to push it away.  He has taken his hoody off, leaving him in a soft looking tee shirt.  I am fascinated by the lean muscles flexing in his forearms. 

   Before he had started his searching, he had asked me for my social security number.  I don't know it though.  Mother and Father have never brought the subject up,  and I had never had the need to ask them about it.   He had then asked about my schooling-  he wanted to confirm that I had never been to a public school.  Hoping to find something through my medical records, he had then asked if I could remember the last Doctor's office I had been to. I had told him that I have never been.  This seemed to upset Keinji.  I have never needed to go to the Doctor though.  Sure, I have had viruses , fevers,  things like that;  but I have never broken anything, and I have never been deathly ill.   Mother has never talked to me about my birth, so I couldn't even tell him what hospital I was born in.  I am not sure I was even born in one... Since then, he has just been quietly working.  I am not used to people at all yet of course, but sitting here quietly in each other's  company is oddly soothing.  I am feeling .... content.   It is nice. 

   The others have been checking in regularly with Keniji and most of my fear for them has faded.  They are on the demon's trail, but it seems that it is several steps ahead of them.  Close, but Keiji doesn't expect for them to find it tonight.   With no immediate danger to them, I am  able to relax a bit.   I have gotten lost in my own thoughts, and Kenji's voice startles me.

   "Hime, are you tired?  You should sleep.  Its getting late..."  His smile is tired. 

  I am tired- exhausted really.  This day has been really long and very emotional.  So many new experiences and feelings.  I feel kind of like a wash rag that has been wrung out once too many times. 

  "Where should I sleep so that I am not in the way?  Do you have an extra blanket that I can use?"  I gently stand up, mindful of my ankle.  It already feels better, but I won't be doing any running or skipping just yet. 

  "Just sleep there on that bed.  Felix and Owen can share this bed when they get in.  It won't be the first time," Kenji says as he watches me test my ankle.

  "oh, I can just sleep on the floor, it won't bother me.  I am sure they will sleep better if they aren't cramped," I protest. 

  "Don't be silly.  There is no problem.  Neither of them toss or turn.  It will be more of an issue if I have to explain to them why you are on the floor,"  His voice is firm and the frown he is giving me says not to argue with him, so I don't.

  I stretch a little and then head into the bathroom to take care of my bladder.  I give my face a splash with some water out of the sink, and then consider using some of the guys toothpaste on my finger to brush my teeth.  Would they mind?   Kenji knocks on the door.  When I open the door , he is standing there with a new toothbrush still in the plastic.   He hands it to me with a lopsided smile, and I smile back at him in gratitude.  I don't worry about what to sleep in.  I will be comfortable enough in my shorts and shirt.   After I finish up, Kenji takes a turn in the bathroom.   I sit on the bed and undo my braid; it is so uncomfortable to sleep in. Feels like you are rolling around on a log.  I am combing my hair out with my fingers when Kenji comes back out. When he sees me, he just stops and stares.  It makes me nervous and I can feel my face heat up. I know my hair probably looks a mess right now.  I have been lazy with it lately and haven't trimmed the ends in a while. I look away from his gaze and see that he has changed into some black lounge pants and a new shirt.  This tee is white and has a stick figure walking in a pile of leaves. It says 'Ninja's hate crunchy leaves'.   I hear him mumble a quiet 'sorry' and then he finally moves to put away his things.  He turns out the lights and the t.v. 

  "If I keep working, will the computer light bother you?"  he asks as he settles back on his bed.

  I shake my head no and pull the covers up to my chin. I close my eyes to sleep, but a minute later I decided to watch him again.  Eventually, I'm lulled to sleep by the light tapping of his fingers on the keyboard.   Some time later, I am partially awoken by hushed voices and the sounds of the guys settling their things.   

  ".... tomorrow night for sure.  How was your hunt?" I hear a voice whisper.

 I barely catch the reply, "She's a ghost.  I could find nothing."  I hear some more rustling.  Ghost?  Are they talking about me?  I try to pull my self out of the fog of sleep, but I am so comfy... and floaty.

  "You don't seem surprised...."  Ah, that is Kenji.

  "I'm not.  Well, that will make it easier for us."  This voice belongs to Owen.

  "She has never been to a doctor."  Kenji's voice sounds different.  I can hear a Japanese accent, one that I haven't noticed previously from him.  

  A new voice answers him, "We will get her sorted mate.  Go to bed. We're all knackered."  I am pretty sure this voice is Felix.  

  I hear what sounds like the door to the adjacent room being opened and closed.  After this, there is no more talking.  All I hear now are the sounds of a couple of people getting ready for bed.  Bags rustling, people going in and out of the bathroom, people getting into bed and getting comfortable. 

  Kenji couldn't find anything about me.  I try to decipher what this means exactly, but it's no use.  Sleep claims me again quickly. That night I dream of spirits haunting my parents house. They are gray and seem to be made of no substance.  They float through walls and their screams are silent.  The most disturbing part is that they all wear my face. 

Sorry it is so short, but it seemed like a good end point.  

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