Falling for you.... part 2?

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  The next week goes by quickly.  It is spent in training and research.  I have worked with everyone now and feel pretty comfortable with their energies.  I also feel closer to them all.  Sharing energies is rather intimate.  I feel like I know them and they know me in a whole new way.  It's hard to explain. There is still a lot I dont' know about the guys-  their pasts  for instance- but we have shared something unique that has bonded us closer.  There is a new ease and comfort between us all. 

 The stone from Bram seems to have been working.  No problems with me suddenly setting fire to things, no moving things with my mind, and thankfully, no more visions.  I am more comfortable with the gun.  I won't be a sniper anytime soon, but I can use it, and with pretty decent accuracy most of the time.    We have been researching as many of the gods and goddess that we can think of just in case.  I found out that I share my name with the Greek goddess of the moon.  The coincidence does not make me too happy.  The tension in the house had increased that night.  There is not much free time, but there is some.  I spend it having very simple conversations with Kenji in Japanese or watching t.v. with some of the guys.  A few times we have all taken a long lunch together out on the deck to enjoy the warming weather.  Every night is still spent with 2 of the guys.  The visions have not returned at all, but Owen didn't revoke the orders, and nobody complained.  We don't all always start off cuddling, but we always end up that way.  It is comforting yet confusing at the same time.  No one has said anything about it and no one seem uncomfortable with it, so I try not to worry about it too much. 

  I am getting more and more use to their touches.  It is not unusual anymore for me to hold someone's hand or to be squished in between to of the guys on the couch.  When my hair  is down,  Felix or Dwyer are usually playing with it.  Dwyer likes to braid random pieces of it and Felix just likes to run his fingers  through it.  Owen is less touchy than the others, but he has sat close up against me while reading on the couch.  One time he even held my hand while we sat there quietly.  That night I fell asleep right there, my head resting against his shoulder.  He didn't seem to mind.  

  Bram came regularly for my lessons.  He didn't provide any new information about his Lady,  just kept stressing the importance of us being ready.  He seemed uncertain himself about what was coming.  He just kept saying that he was sent to me and that His Lady wouldn't have sent him if it wasn't important.   It was the calm before the storm, and we all knew it. 

  Today, it was decided, would be a day of rest and relaxation.  It was still too cool for swimming, but we had all hiked down the hill to a lake not far from the cabin.  We had packed some simple things to eat and we were having a picnic.  Even Bram is with us.  He still grumbles about the boys, but there seems to be less heat behind the insults these days.  We are currently sharing my sandwich and potato chips.  Owen is sitting beside me, staring at the lake.  Felix and Kenji are practically in the lake catching bugs and small fish and chasing Dwyer with them.  Aiden is not too far off, skipping rocks.   After Bram ate the last potato chip,  he rubbed his head on my leg for just a second and then was off; leaving to do whatever it is he does when he isn't hanging out with me.  It's time to stretch the legs some.  I stand and reach towards the sky, trying to stretch my whole body out.   I can feel Owen's eyes on me for a moment, but he doesn't say anything and soon goes back to staring at the lake.  Probably lost in his own thoughts.   

  I head towards the lake.  I am not far from it when my shoe finds a slick spot.  Me falling on my but would have been a little embarrassing, but nothing to major.  Unfortunately, Dwyer was still running from a terrifying bug of some sorts,  so he was  not paying attention to where he was running.... So as my feet are sliding out from under me,  Dwyer trips over my falling body.   He lands on top of me painfully.  The air gets knocked out of me as my back hits the ground.  I somehow manage not to whack my head as well,  but I do feel a lot of pain in the wrist that I tried to catch myself with.  Dwyer lands across my stomach.  He recovers first and quickly removes himself.  

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