Chapter 19: Falling for You

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We wind up finding a small motel.  They do not have adjoining rooms like the last hotel they stayed at, but we were able to get two rooms that were next to each other.  They were both on the second floor.   We unload all our stuff into the rooms.  I am staying in the room with Owen and Felix again.  While the guys are getting their things settled, I changed into a pair of jeans and then threw on one of the soft sweat shirts.  It is a light blue and the extra warmth feels great.  I also pulled on a pair of blue socks to match my sweater and then put on my white shoes. Once I was done, we all piled back into the cars.  Aiden had demanded steak, which is why we are now eating a late dinner at the steak house not far from the motel. We are sitting at a really big corner booth and I am in between Aiden and Dywer.  Everyone is quietly eating  and there is a general sense of exhaustion coming from everyone. My stomach is full, I am so warm.  Dwyer and Aiden both seem to radiate heat.  I sit back into the seat and close my eyes for a moment.  It only takes a moment, and I can feel myself start to drift off. 

  "We should get back and get to bed guys,"  Felix's voice startles me out of my almost slumber.  As if summoned, the waiter comes back and starts taking all our plates.  I hear Owen ask for our check.  While we wait for the bill, there is some small talk about the route we are taking tomorrow.  Owen pays the bill when it comes and then we are scooting out of the booth.  Since I am sleeping in Owen's and Felix's room tonight ,  the other guys insist I ride in their car again on the way back.  I feel Aiden's hand at my back as we leave the restaurant and head to the car. He steers me to the front seat and then sits behind me in the back.  Dwyer settles into the driver's seat and gives me smile.   The ride back to the motel is quick, but I still  feel myself start to drift off again in the seat as I listen to the low voices of Aiden and Kenji. Even with the involuntary nap I had earlier in the day, I am just so exhausted.  The feeling of the car coming to a stop has me opening my eyes and then getting out of the car with the others.

   "Why can't she sleep in our room tonight?  You guys got her last night." Wines Dwyer as we all walk to the rooms.

  "She needs some good sleep tonight guys.  My darling was almost asleep at the dinner table. She doesn't need your antics keeping her up all night," Felix says in a firm voice.

  When we reach the doors, Aiden surprises me by pulling me into a strong hug. "Sleep good Doll." he grunts.  After a moment of indecision, I timidly wrap my arms around his waist to return his hug.

"Hey, don't hog her! "  Aiden let go of me and I am pulled into another hug by Dwyer.    He squeezes me really, really tight, my arms pinned to my sides,  and lifts me off the ground.  "I am going to hug you, and squeeze you, and name you George!"  he says in a weirdly deep voice.   It makes me giggle.   He puts me down with a chuckle, then ruffles my hair. I swat at his hand. 

  Kenji walks up closer to me and gives me a gentle smile.  "Sweet dreams Hime."

  "You too Kenji"  I reply with a smile of my own.  It is strange,  part of the day was so scary and uncertain,  but  with some hugs and smiles,  it all seems so far away.  Owen and Felix have already headed into our room while the rest of us were saying good night.  I head in myself as Dwyer, Kenji, and Aiden go into their room.

"You can use the bathroom first Darling" Felix says as he is taking off his shoes.  I smile at him in thanks and take my bag in with me.  I quickly do my business, rinse my face and change into my lounge pants.  I just keep the same t shirt I already have on to sleep in.  Just too tired to do much more.  I let my hair down and  brush it out, then finish by brushing my teeth.  I walk out of the bathroom to find out where I am sleeping.  Owen is the first to see me.  He seems to do a double take, but then turns around and starts going through his bag without saying anything.  I wonder if he thought he saw something on my face...?

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