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Hey y'all-  I have had very limited internet access and even less time  this last week and this week because of my move.   It has been almost impossible to even keep up with just my son's homework.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel though,  and we should be done with clean up in the old place tonight.  Depending on how crazy Easter plans get this weekend,  I hope to start on the next chapter saturday or sunday.

Uggh.. so life has stepped in again :(     I have started writing the next chapter,  but then I was hit with horrible headaches that make me want to vomit , and reading, watching tv, or looking at a computer hurts horribly.  Had it for days- thought it was a virus.  Nope,  - a bad tooth.  Got that fixed today at an emergency dental place.  But they found a bunch more problems.  I have another two dental trips planned for more work.  The work done today though should have the headaches gone though.   I am so sorry I have not done an update yet.  We are settled in at the new residence now, so that should help as well. David is on spring break too- so a break from his homework!  I will really buckle down in the evenings this week to finally get that update done.  Thanks for hanging in there!

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