Here Come the Men in Black

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  Kenji keeps a comforting grip on my hand as we walk off the back porch and into the yard around the house. We are both quiet and I  take a moment to focus on the sounds of the birds and the squirrels in the trees surrounding us.  I notice the cracking of small twigs beneath our feet.  These are all familiar and comforting sounds to me.   The smells of bark and grass are also calming.  Keiji doesn't rush me into speaking about the incident with Dwyer and Owen.  He seems just as comfortable in the moment as I am. 

  We walk around to the front of the house, then down the gravel drive a little.  Kenji leads us off the drive and towards a tree. 

  "Might as well check while we are here," he explains.  He drops my hand and then easily pulls himself into the tree using one of the lower branches.  As he is settling in on one of the larger branches, I notice the device attached to the tree.   One of the alarms, I assume.  I climb up the tree and settle on one of the branches opposite him so that I am not in the way.  I watch his long graceful fingers as he fiddles with the wires.  "All good," he says as he closes the back of the box back up.  

  His eyes meet mine but he doesn't move to leave the tree.  We are both comfortable on our perches.  I start to tell him about what happened with Dwyer.  I stick to what actually happened- I don't mention any of the feelings yet-  they are too confusing still.  Kenji listens attentively and does not interrupt. I stop at the end and then peek up at him.  He nods his understanding. 

  "I am actually more interested in the parts you left out..." he says gently.  Of course he would notice that I was trying to hide something.

  "Um , well.."

 A series of beeps from his phone saves me from having to continue. Kenji frowns as he pulls the phone out of his pocket.  His frown deepens as he reads the screen.  His eyes go to the gravel drive and that is when I hear the sound of tires crunching rock.

  "Stay here," he commands as he drops out of the tree.  He steps closer to the drive and watches as a black car drives up slowly.  I think to most, Kenji would look relaxed,  but I can see the tension in his hands and his back.   Through that strange connection I now feel with all the guys, I can also feel the energy in his body gathering with purpose.   He is preparing himself for a possible fight. Taking my cue from him, I position myself so that I am now standing on the branch, my hands clutching the trunk of the tree.  I can now quickly climb higher or drop out of the tree if needed.  Just in case,  I also send my senses out into the woods around us.  All is calm.  No demons then-  just the approaching vehicle.  The car stops beside Kenji.  Two men wearing dark suits get out.  The driver is very professional looking-  tie, well groomed hair.  He is an older man that looks to be somewhere in his mid 50s.  The passenger is more casual. He has no tie and even has a few of his top shirt buttons undone.  His posture is more relaxed and his hair has that messy, yet styled look. He is also younger.   Probably late 20's.

  The older man extends his hand to Kenji to shake,  " Mr. Iida, It's good to see you. Your group has been hard to find..."

  "Hello Mr. Edwards.  What can we help you with?"  Their is a formal tone to Kenji's voice that I have never heard before, not even with Mr. Adams.  I am pretty sure he either doesn't like or doesn't trust this man.  

  "We are just here to discuss some things with  Mr. Blackborne." 

  "Hey man," the other man approaches Kenji to shake his hand as well.  "Good job with that scum in Kentucky."  Kenji nods in acknowledgement.  The younger man spots me int the tree.  His eyes grow wide.  The older man looks to see what has his attention. His eyes flash  with  recognition for a second before it is hidden away.  It makes me nervous.  Kenji tenses further. 

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