Chapter 4: Three's a Crowd

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     I am awoken by a nightmare.  The boys had realized that I am insane and were carrying me off to a van to take me to an insane asylum.  I wake up just as the door to the van is shut and I am left in darkness by myself.  I am covered in sweat  and gasping for breath-  there is no way I am going back to sleep now. I check the clock and it is morning- barely.  I try recalling the first dream I had had in the night to calm myself down.  That dream wasn't so bad.  We were just walking and I was actually having a conversation with them.   It does help me calm a little ,  but the nightmare still lingers like a bad taste in the mouth.  I decide the best thing to do is get up and do my usual morning exercises and activities. By the time I am in the shower, I am feeling much better and I decide I can probably keep breakfast down.

     Getting dressed ramps up the anxiety again though.  What the heck should I wear?  Checking the weather for the day on my  computer, I see that it will be a little  cooler today than it was yesterday.  Usually I would just grab one of my short skirts and a top - nobody is ever around to see me,  but I really don't want to flash either of the boys by accident today.  I don't have any pants.  Mother complains that it is too much trouble to get pants that fit by mail order, so she bought me a couple of short knee length skirts that stretch and then a couple of long skirts  that also stretch.   I have a few  solid colored long sleeve shirts,  a  few short sleeved ones, a couple of large t shirts that I sleep in,  3 sweaters,  and 2 pairs of pull on shorts.  Mary had bought me some tights this last winter as well for extra warmth.  Clothes are usually never an issue for me; I never go anywhere.  I finally decide on the soft khaki shorts with the drawstring and a purple long sleeved t-shirt and then start heading down stairs, leaving my wet hair down to dry.

    I am about half way down the stairs when I hear Mother start yelling at Mary about her eggs not being runny enough.  There is no way I am going down there if she is home and down stairs today.   No breakfast today after all.  As quiet as a mouse,  I turn around and shut myself back into my room.  Time to study I guess.

    Easier said than done evidently. It is now 11:30  and I haven't accomplished anything other than making myself more and more nervous about meeting the boys.  I finally allow my self to give up on homework and braid my hair into a crown around my head.  Deciding my weirdness may be hidden just a little longer if I have shoes on this time,  I slip on a pair of brown flip flops and then press my ear to the door to listen.  I don't hear anyone in the hallway so I slip out.  Keeping an ear out for Mother, I slowly head down the stairs.  The only sounds I hear are the sounds of scrubbing.  Mother doesn't like to be around while Mary is cleaning so she is most likely in her rooms again.  I sneak out the back door and into the yard.  As soon as my feet are in the grass I freeze. 

    Can I really do this? 

    There is a very slight breeze and it is enough to make  little goose bumps break out on my bare legs. The energy in the ground is humming calmly.  The sky is just a little overcast and everything is quiet-  except my pounding heart.  If I go, they are going to know I am strange at the very least.  I have no social skills after all.  Will I even be able to talk to them or will I make a fool of myself again like I did yesterday?  I am starting to talk myself out of going.  I take a half step back....  No! I have to take a risk.  Do I want to spend the rest of my life locked up in this haunted house?  I will be 18 in a year.  What happens then?  I will finally be able to leave this place and She won't be able to stop me.   I need to get some experience dealing with other people at least.  They seemed nice and patient yesterday.... I'm sure they wouldn't really drag me into a van like they did in my dream.....

     I take a step forward.  And then another.  And then another until I am steadily walking into the woods.  By the time I am getting close to the old shack,  my whole body is shaking.  I stop to press my forehead and palms into the tree closest to me and take two deep breaths.  I try to focus on the gentle hum of the energy all around me and I feel myself settling.   In this stillness I hear voices. 

"She going to show up?"  The voice doesn't sound like Kenji or Dwyer.  It is deeper and rougher.

"Give her a little more time Aiden.  She is shy," says Dwyer in his gentle voice.

I hear Kenji reply   "She will probably run as soon as she sees you though. You should have stayed at the hotel. "  He sounds frustrated.

     Who is this Aiden!?  I wasn't expecting anyone else!  Oh god!  I slowly creep forward to hide behind the shack and then peak my head around just a little, hoping to see what is going on.  My eyes land on  a man who must be Aiden.  I am seeing him from the side and he is huge!  He looks to be older than Dwyer and Kenji by a few years and he is both taller and wider than they are.  Every inch of him appears to be raw power.  He must spend a lot of time in the gym, or pulverizing people...  He has dark blond hair that hangs down to his chin.  His legs are in  a wide stance and his arms  are crossed against his chest in front of him.  I can't see all of his face, but enough to see that he has a very intense frown.

Aiden watches Kenji pace as he says,   "Look-  if she is really what you two think she is,  it is way too fucking dangerous for a little girl to be left here with  no protection.   There was a gate here just yesterday for Christ's sake!  It's just a matter of time before they find her. "  What are they talking about?  Who will find me?  Who would even be looking for me?  In my confusion , I am not even aware that I am slowly moving out from behind my hiding place.

Dwyer speaks again and I see him leaning against a tree.  "She's not little, little.  She's like 15 or something."

"I'm 17."   All three males turn towards me at the same time in surprise.  Oh no ,  I said that out loud....

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