Chapter 1

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"Hey Summer what do you think we should do tonight?", I asked.
It was a Friday night, Summer and I wanted to do something fun. We had just gotten out of school a few hours ago. Both of us are in the 12th grade, soon to be graduating. We want to make this year a year to remember.
"You want to hang out with some of our other friends?", Summer suggested smiling.
I just stared at her. She had deep blue eyes, cute freckles on her cheeks, and long, straight, blond hair.
"What friends?", I asked jokingly, "But seriously what should we do tonight?"
"Well I don't know, I already gave you my idea! I can text Sam, and Dan to see if they want to come over."
Sam and Dan were a wicked cute couple. They are our friends I guess.
"Oh ya! We should have a fire in the woods!", I told her.
She nodded and agreed. I ran downstairs and asked my mom if we could, she said yes, and gave me supplies we might need. I ran back upstairs.
"They're coming, you have everything?", Summer asked me.
"Ya lets go."
We hiked off into the woods. In the daytime it was a beautiful place to be. But at night, it was terrifying. At least we had a flashlight and a cellphone.
After much walking, Summer and I finally found somewhere not too far away from my house.
"Sam just texted me, she said they'll be here in about 3 minutes.", Summer informed me.
I nodded and put everything down on a stump. After about 2 minutes we started hearing leaves crunching.
"That must be Sam and Dan! Let's start getting some sticks!", I announced to Summer.
The crunches started getting louder. They were slow too. Suddenly we saw their shadows.
"Sam, Dan! We were just getting sticks together to start the fire! You guys can sit down if you want! There's a stump right there.", Summer said pointing to a stump.
But they just stopped moving. What was also weird, is that there were like 5 people instead of two. They also had what looked to be sharp pointy objects in their hands. Then I realized, those are needles! I started poking at Summer.
"Summer! We need to get out of here now! Just leave everything and let's run back to the house.", I told her in a whispered voice.
"What why?", she asked.
I told her about the needles and her eyes widened.
"Ok, um, your obviously not Sam and Dan... Well just be leaving.", Summer said.
"Oh no you won't! Get 'em!", a muffled deep voice said.
We started running fast. A bunch of people were chasing us, I couldn't get through my head that this was actually happening, so I had to keep telling myself that it's real. This is real. There are some crazy people chasing us. We were getting close enough to see my house, and that the porch lights were on. But before we could get any closer, I heard a scream. When I turned around Summer dropped to the ground. She was still breathing, so they must have just drugged her. I started fighting back. One of the punches I threw was so hard that one of them yelped. I may have punched there eye. Right when I started running, I felt a stinging pain in my neck. Sounds were becoming muffled, and my vision was getting darker and darker. Yet I continued running even though I kept stumbling over. All of a sudden my vision went black, and I fell to the ground, into a deep sleep...

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