Chapter 25

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For the past few days, Summer has been hanging out with us more often. She likes to talk to the baby inside me a lot. Doug had to teach Jordan how to walk because Summer would refuse saying she doesn't have a baby. She is just too insane. I thought she'd remember she had a baby with Doug. Doug had to teach Jordan how to talk, and potty train him. Summer really doesn't think that's her baby. I feel bad for Jordan, he's going to grow up without a mother. But Doug still loves him. He has Doug's eyes. Big and hazel. Only he's got Summer's smile. Bright, and shining. Along with tiny strands of hair on his head. He's adorable. Today is a Saturday. Which means it's time for another sacrifice for the circle. So they all had to leave earlier today. It was just me, Matt, Summer, Jordan, and the baby growing inside me. Matt usually babysits Jordan. Mainly because Summer doesn't agree that that's her baby. When Matt finally put him down for a nap, he came over to sit on the couch with me. I was folding laundry while watching SpongeBob.
He sighed, "I love that baby, but sometimes it takes forever to put him to sleep!"
"It's ok, I promise my baby won't be like that!", I laughed.
"Have you and Bonnie decided what your going to name it yet?"
I shook my head, "No, we want to see what they look like first."
"Do you want me to play piano for the baby?"
"Ya ok!"
Matt went over to the piano, and played. Again, his beautiful began to sing. Suddenly, my baby started kicking.
"Matt get over here quick!"
He came over and sat next to me. I took his hand, and put it where the baby was kicking. His hands are always so warm. I looked at him, and his face lit up.
"Is that the baby kicking?", he asked.
I nodded. After about 2 minutes, the baby stopped. Matt went back to playing piano, and I went back to folding laundry. Suddenly we heard the baby crying. Matt stood up.
"Looks like I better go get Jordan."
Before he could Summer came down. She was holding Jordan. The dog came down along with her. She smiled.
"Is he really my baby?", she asked.
"Well he's not a baby anymore, he's almost a year old. You shouldn't be holding him like a baby, he can walk.", I told her.
It actually surprised me how smart he was. His birthday is next week, and he's already starting to walk. Summer had to hold his little hand, but they walked over to Matt and I. Summer lifted him onto the couch, and sat down with him.
"But is he actually mine?", she asked me again.
"Yes, yes his is. You and Doug had him. Remember?"
She shook her head, "No, but if you insist that he's mine. I was looking at him upstairs, and I was thinking about how much he looks like me."
I was filled with joy. Finally this baby will have a proper mother. But she still was insane.
"Blu?", she asked me.
"Do you think I could feel the baby?"
"Of course!"
I took her hand and put it on the baby. She giggled when it kicked.
"Aw, I can't wait for it to be born.", she said.
"Neither can I", I smiled.
The rest of the day, we were watching tv, Matt decided to make some cookies for when everyone came home. At about 6 o'clock, they all came home. Bonnie came over and gave me a kiss.
"Where's Matt?", he asked me.
"Oh he's in the kitchen making dinner."
"What's for dinner?"
"I don't know Matt said it was a surprise."
Bonnie sat down next to me, "How was your day?"
"It was great. The baby was kicking. Summer and Matt were feeling it kick. Matt made cookies. Summer and I watched some tv."
"The baby was kicking?!", Bonnie asked.
I nodded.
"Why wasn't I here for this?!", he asked jokingly.
We both laughed, until Matt called us for dinner. He served us lasagna.
"So Summer how was your day?", Doug asked.
"Well I learned that Jordan really is my son."
"Who did you have him with?", Doug asked.
"You, well at least, that's what Allison told me. I trust her."
Doug looked over at me and winked, "Oh she did, did she?"
I smiled.
"Blu, how's your baby?", Glen asked me.
"Oh it was kicking, Summer and Matt felt it kick. Matt cooked us cookies. I did the laundry."
After dinner Matt cleaned up. While he was washing the dishes, I went in the kitchen with him.
"Hey Matt you should play your piano for everyone. And sing for us. Summer and I are the only ones who's heard you sing and play."
He shook his head and blushed, "No no I-I can't they'll think I'm bad."
I kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, "Do it for me."
He nodded his head. We went out to the living room where everyone was.
"Everyone Matt has a little surprise for everyone!", I announced.
He walked over to the piano and sat down. He started to play, then started singing. The whole time, he was blushing. Everyone seemed mesmerized by his godly voice. When Matt was done he stood up to take a bow. Everyone clapped for him. Again, he was blushing. I gave him a hug and whispered 'good job' in his ear.
"Hey why don't we put on the news.", I told Glen who has the remote. He switched the channel to the news.
"Still no sign of the two girls, Blu and Summer, who went missing almost two years ago. Police have confirmed their death. We have the parents of the two. Unfortunately the mother of Blu could not attend, she has committed suicide.", the news anchor reported.
Glen turned the tv off right away. I started crying. Bonnie and Matt gave me a tight tight hug. I can't believe my mom would do this. She was that depressed I guess...

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