Chapter 16

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When we got back to the house, everyone was asking where Cheyanne was. Bonnie told them he had no other choice but to kill her, because she was going to take me home. Everyone just agreed it was the right decision. It was really late, so Bonnie and I decided it was time for bed. But I wanted to see Summer before I went to bed. Bonnie said it was fine, and to meet me in our bedroom when I'm done. I walked into her room. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed. I went to sit on the edge of her bed, and held her hand. She started to wake up.
"Wh-where's Jordan. Can I have him?"
I searched around the room for him. There he was, in his little crib. Gently, I picked him up. He was so adorable. His little eyes, still blue, because he is still a NewBorn. But the shape of them was just like Doug's. I handed him to Summer. She cradled him in her arms. A tear shed from her eyes.
"I love him so much. I would die for this little guy."
"Ya, he is cute. He's got Doug's eyes.", I said.
She looked at me, with her big sad eyes.
"Blu? When are we going to get out?"
I looked down, "Get out where?"
"Out of here! The voices in my head keep saying that you'll save us. They also keep saying that it'd be better if I die..."
Her voice trailed off. What did she mean die? Did she mean, kill herself?
"Summer, you're not actually thinking about... Suicide... Are you? Because I'm here for you... And I always will be..."
"They said everything would be better if I went with them. That they would make it ok.", she pleaded.
I swallowed hard, "Who's... They?"
"The demons, in my head. They said if I go with them, everything would get better. They said when I do die, my life will flash before my eyes. Oh Blu I want to touch the other side.", she sobbed to me.
This is it. She is officially insane. But it's not her fault. Oh no. It's Doug's. What he did to her. I need to help her. She needs my help, bad.
"Summer everything is going to be ok. I promise. Now I have to go back to bed with Bonnie. Ok? If you need anything, anything at all, don't be afraid to ask."
"Ok. Good night... I love you...", she whispered.
"I love you too...", I replied.
I walked back to our bedroom. Bonnie was sitting on the edge of the bed. When he heard the door open, he turned to look at me.
"How is she?"
"She's completely lost her mind. I feel terrible.", I told him.
I sat on the bed, and he started rubbing my shoulders. His touch was so warm, so gentle.
"Bonnie, can I ask you something?"
He paused for a moment, then answered,"What is it?"
"Wh-why did you and Doug... Kidnap us?"
He took his hands off my shoulders as if he were angry.
"God damn it Blu! I hate that word! I didn't kidnap you! I took you to live with us!", he snapped.
I stood up, "But why? I just want to know why you did it Bonnie!"
He stood up as well and looked at me whilst holding my hands, "Because we wanted to make people a part of this cult. We wanted to get more people to join the circle. But no one would want to. So we thought, maybe if we were to steal them, then they'd be forced to join it, or they'd die. But when we captured you, Doug and I knew you two were too Precious to be in it. You guys had a certain beauty to you. So Doug and I decided to make you guys our wives. He wanted Summer... And I wanted you...", he said gently.
Tears were starting to drip out of my eyes.
"No no no! It's ok! I won't make you join them. I told you, I'm going to get rid of them. We already got rid of CD. But it's hard you know? They are my family and all.", Bonnie told me.
"I know I don't want to talk about it, let's just go to bed."
He agreed, and we fell right asleep. I hope someone was sleeping with Summer in her bedroom. Just so they can make sure she's ok , and also make sure she doesn't commit suicide over night...

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