Chapter 3

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I woke up, it was morning. The room smelled of pancakes and bacon.
"Time to get up. Breakfast is ready.", Bonnie told me.
I sat up, and got out of bed. Bonnie made me follow him down to the kitchen. Summer and Doug were sitting at the table. Her face was badly bruised. She looked more glum than she usually is. She had pancakes and eggs on her plate with a glass of orange juice on the side. Bonnie sat me down right next to Glen. He got me a plate with the same food as Summer on it. Soon he sat himself down right next to me. One of the guys that were sitting on the couch yesterday came down. He had black hair and glasses. Along with large brown eyes. He sat across from me.
"Excuse me for not introducing myself to you two ladies. I'm Mark. I'm a part of this cu-", he was cut off by Bonnie and Doug.
They both looked at him and they shook their heads.
"Ok... So you two were friends before?", Mark asked us.
Summer and I both nodded shyly.
"That's pretty cool."
Everyone was then eating in silence. When everyone was done Bonnie took me back upstairs.
"Time to get dressed. Would you like to take a shower?", Bonnie asked.
"Oh yes please! I really do need one!", I replied to him.
He pointed to the bathroom, "Right in there, I'll leave you some clothes, when your done come right downstairs."
I nodded and hopped in the shower. It felt so nice to finally have one. Nice and warm water. There was even Pantene shampoo! Ok that's enough, I have to get out. So that's what I did. I got out, and got dressed. Oh it felt so nice to be clean. I started to lookout the window while brushing my hair with a brush I found in the cabinet under the sink. Outside, there were no houses. Just fields. It looked as if we were in the middle of nowhere. Now I knew there was no chance of escaping. A tear slid down my cheek. I can't let him see me crying. So I went over to the mirror over the sink and wiped my face clear of any tears. My long brown hair was still wet. My once brown eyes were red and puffy because of so much crying. I don't care right now. I can't. I need to get down there now. When I finally was down there, it looked as though everyone had left. Except for Summer. She was sitting solemnly on the couch.
"Hey where'd everyone go?", I asked her.
She looked up at me with such terrified eyes, "Th-they left. They went out. I- I don't know when they'll be back..."
She seemed really jumpy.
"Hey, what did Doug do to you last night?", I asked worried.
A tear ran down her horribly bruised face.
"H-he got on top of me, and he started saying that he wants to have babies with me... I tried to get him off but he wouldn't. I finally managed to get him off after he raped me for 5 minutes. I ran to the door and opened it. But he just pulled me back in and started hitting me. And he said that if I do that again, he'll do worse than hit me. Then he made me sleep by giving me drugs...", she sobbed to me.
Maybe I shouldn't have made her re-live those awful memories.
I gave her a tight squeeze, "It's ok, we'll get through this. Look at me, we will escape. No matter what. The police will find out, and arrest them! Ok?", I told her.
She nodded still crying. This was awful. We're going to leave. No matter what it takes...

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