Chapter 29

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When the morning finally got here, everyone had left. I went downstairs only to find Matt with all three babies.
"Hey where's Summer?", I asked him.
"I don't know, she never came down when I called her for breakfast."
That's odd. I went upstairs to see if she was in her bedroom. When I opened the door, there was what looked to be a pentagram drawn in red on the floor. Summer was standing in the middle holding a knife. It hovered next to her throat. She wasn't facing me, and it didn't look like she heard me come in.
"Summer stop! What are you doing?"
She turned around quickly, as if I'd broken some sort of curse.
"Satan. He wants me. He wants you. He said he'll keep us safe. And give us whatever we want.", she told me.
What is she talking about? Did she actually talk to Satan? No, she couldn't have. These are just the ramblings of a mad woman.
"What are you talking about?", I asked her.
"He has your mother. He's protecting her. For you. She wants to see you."
"Ok Summer you've gone too far now."
I ran over to her and tackled her. She tried stabbing me, then her. But I didn't let her. I took the knife away from her.
"What are you doing? Don't you want to see your mother? He's keeping her safe for you!", she yelled at me.
"I'll see her someday. But today's not that day."
I ran downstairs to put the knife away. Matt and I heard banging. As if someone was punching the wall.
"What is that?", Matt asked me.
"I know exactly what it is. Quick we are gonna have to drug her, then chain her to something. You drug her, I'll chain her.", I told him.
"But why?"
"Just do it!", I shouted at him.
He got the needle, and I got the chains. When we got upstairs Summer was banging her head on the wall viciously. There were actually bruises starting to form. I grabbed Summer and held her arms.
"Do it now Matthew!", I told him.
She was violently trying to escape. But then Matt stuck the needle in her neck and took it out. She was still fighting, but became weaker and weaker until she gave up, and fell asleep.
"Ok bring her downstairs. I'll tie her to the couch.", I told Matt.
He took her downstairs and made her sit up on the couch. I got the chains and tied her up. Matt took Jordan upstairs to give him a nap. I took my two babies and calmed them down a bit. Matt came back down and took Shane to calm him. He did it though.
"So, what was that all about?", Matt asked me.
"Well Sumner has gone insane as you may already know. She was gonna slit her throat when I was up there. Luckily I got the knife away from her though. But she started banging her head on the wall to kill herself that way. She can't die. Not yet."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.", he told me.
"Ya. She was saying something about satan, protecting my mother for me. That he wants us. I told her she's gone too far."
"You know what, that reminds me. Last night, I was hearing screams. Outside. So I got up to look out the window, there was a woman. With long brown hair. She had blood shot eyes and her wrists were slit. Blood was pouring out of them. She was wearing a wedding gown. She was screaming things like, Blu help me! Or, please Blu I came for you! Or Blu it's mommy! When she saw me though, she ran away, then disappeared. It was the strangest thing I'd ever seen or heard.", he informed me.
That sounded a lot like my mother. The long brown hair, she always said she wanted to die in her wedding dress. Maybe that was her, and maybe Summer was right. Maybe she did talk to my mother.
"Matt I just want to forget this whole situation. Please can we not talk about this.", I said whilst tearing up.
Matt went in to give me a hug. As soon as he did, the tears rolled down my cheek.
"Hey look at me. It's ok. You're going to be ok. I promise. Ok? It won't get worse, it'll only get better. I'm here for you. I love you.", he told me sweetly.
He kissed me, on the lips. At first I didn't know what to do, then I embraced him. He pulled me onto the couch, and he was on top of me, kissing my lips, my neck, everything. His body felt so warm pressed up against mine. I never wanted this to end. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end at some point...

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