Chapter 11

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We arrived at what looked like a lab. It was white, and huge. CD took us out of the car, and tied our hands and feet together. He took out a needle.
"Don't worry this will only paralyze you for 2 hours. You can't move anything but your head."
First he went after Summer, she tried to resist, but couldn't. I watched as she fell to the ground, unable to move. I tried to run away, but he stuck the needle in my arm. I could no longer feel anything from the neck down. I fell I didn't really know what was going on after that. I'm just in a daze. After about 10 minutes though, I did black out.
I woke only to find that I was strapped to a table. A metal table. I looked around to see if I could find Summer, but I couldn't. The whole room was white. A large mirror was on the wall in front of me. The door to the right of me opened up. In walked CD.
"What are you doing? Where's Summer?", I yelled.
Although he said nothing, he just slowly walked over to me.
"Summer is in my actual lab. I'm not going to be doing anything to you. This is just to make sure you don't escape."
"What are you doing to her?!", I asked angrily.
"Oh I am going to be extracting one of the babies. Which calls for an emergency C section."
"No! You can't do that! The babies aren't even fully grown!"
He shrugged his shoulders and left. I heard Summer scream once, but that was the only one. Suddenly the door to my room slammed open. It was Bonnie and Doug! Bonnie raced over to me, and untied me quickly. He helped me up and we both kissed.
"I'm so sorry, I promise I'll never let this happen again.", he told me.
"You know that's touching, it really is, but where the hell is Summer?", Doug asked.
I shook my head, "I don't know he said something about her being in his lab."
I guess they knew where that was, because right when I said his lab they both ran off. We finally reached a door I'm assuming was the lab. Doug kicked it down.
"What the hell are you doing to my wife!?", Doug screamed.
"I'm taking out one of her babies. Although the one I was going to get seems to have died, because of the paralyzing drug I gave her. She's out cold right now, should wake up in the next hour.", CD said, surprisingly calm.
"You killed our baby?! That's it, your a dead man CD!"
Doug tackled him, although CD was throwing pretty hard punches. Doug had some new bruises on him from CD punching so hard. But then Bonnie walked over with a needle, and injected it into his neck. CD fell over on the ground, but was still breathing. Doug was still punching him though. Bonnie pulled out his pocket knife, and gave it to Doug. He held the knife high, then plunged it into CD's chest multiple times. CD died in his sleep. Doug took Summer off of the table and carried her away. He put her in the car, then we drove off.
"Are you ok Blu? He didn't hurt you did he?", Bonnie asked me.
"I'm fine."
"I'm not. My baby is dead! I'll never get to raise him now.", Doug said.
A tear actually slipped out of his eye. It ran down his cheek.
"Doug you still have another baby though. Remember? It'll be ok.", Bonnie told him.
"No it won't be ok! Imagine if you lost your child! How you'd feel.", Doug told him.
We finally arrived at the house, and Summer was beginning to wake up. Doug got out of the car, and carried her upstairs. Bonnie and I also went upstairs, and straight to bed...

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