Chapter 2

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I finally woke up, only to find that I was in what looked like a basement. I tried moving my hands, then soon realized that I was chained to a pole. The floor I was sitting on was cold and stone. Looking around I spotted Summer. Thank god she was still alive. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't here with me. She seems to be chained to a pole as well. Only hers was against a wall.
"Summer! Oh I'm so happy your alive! Where the hell are we?!", I asked confused.
She looked at me with fear in her eyes and shook her head. She was mouthing 'be quiet' to me. I realized that she had bruises on her face and a few cuts. Suddenly there were footsteps coming down the stairs. We both wipped our heads to look at the stairs. There was a rather muscular man coming down the stairs. He had auburn hair that was swoopy. When he got closer I saw that his eyes were a beautiful shade of hazel.
"Hello ladies. My name is Doug! And you two are going to live the rest of your lives here!", he told us.
I was crying at this point. We both were. In fact I was angry. So terribly angry. I looked up at Doug and gave him the nastiest look I could give.
"Woah woah! Calm down! Listen I'm not here for you! I'm here for her. She's going to be my wife!", he said excitedly.
"Wait what?! No! I'm only 18! I'm to young! Please god no!", Summer cried.
Doug walked over to her and brushed his fingers through her hair. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and rubbed it against her skin.
"As long as you don't mess up, nothing will happen to you. Now c'mon I'm taking you two upstairs to meet everyone!", Doug announced.
He untied us, and took us up the stairs. We ended up in what looked like a living room. There were two couches that were white and blue plaid. There was a tv in front of the couches. With a coffee table in between. Guys were sitting on the couches.
"Ah they're finally awake! Nice to meet you. My name is Glen!".
The man who just spoke had black hair that was emo-ish. His eyes were hazel as well. He was very muscular. Just then a man with purple hair down to his neck walked in. He had brown eyes. Although it looked like he had a black eye. As if he were punched.
"Which one of you is mine?", he asked.
He was really handsome. Actually, I think I was his.
"This one is mine so that means...Blu? I think that's her name... Is yours!", said Doug.
The man with the purple hair walked over to me. He stroked my cheek. His touch was so gentle. It was so warm.
It finally reached 10:30. Time to go to bed. They have a strict schedule here. If it's not followed you will be punished. He led us to our bedroom. I still didn't even know his name. Our bedroom was really cute. The bed frame and backboard was wooden. The comforter was green. Our dresser was light wood. The Windows had locks on them. And there was a bathroom too. I'm assuming we got the master bedroom.
"This is our bedroom. Please, make yourself at home. There is a bathroom in there. Shower when you need to. And there are some clothes in the dresser for you.", he informed.
"That's great and all but what is your name?", I asked.
"It's Bonnie. And I'm your new husband. Now get in bed."
I nodded and got in the bed. He slid his arm around me, and started to snuggle me. Soon he was kissing my neck, and then my cheek. A tear slipped out of my eye.
"Oh stop. Don't worry. Your going to Love it here." He told me with the gentlest of voices.
But he was wrong. I hate it here...

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