Chapter 19

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All the boys came home. Matt had made shrimp scampi for us, although I told him not to because I could make dinner, but he insisted he should.
"Mmmmm, what smells good?", Bonnie smiled at me.
Matt poked his head out of the kitchen, "I'm making shrimp scampi for everyone!"
"Oh my favorite!", Bonnie called out to him.
I love the way shrimp scampi sounded with Matt's adorable accent. Doug went to see Jordan.
"Hey guys, look what we bought! We bought just a little hand gun, you know, just in case you guys try to escape.", Glen told us.
Summer stared at it as if thinking of something. Soon Doug tapped her, and she snapped out of the trance she was in. Suddenly, dinner was ready, and we all ate. Once that was over, Matt cleaned up for us again. Even though Bonnie had offered. Leo turned the tv on. Everyone sat around it. He turned the news on.
"It's been a year since Summer and Blu were reported missing. Still, no sign of them yet. There is a memorial in their honor. People have put flowers, candles, etc. around it. We hope soon to find them, and that they are still alive. Here we have Blu and Summer's mothers.", the news anchor reported.
"I know they're still alive. And they know that we're coming for them. Girls, we will find you, and arrest the awful person that did this.", Summer's mom said who was in tears.
My mother looked too heart broken to say anything. She was just staring into space with tears running down her face. Leo changed the channel immediately after it was over. Bonnie put his hand on my leg.
"Don't worry, they'll never find you.", he told me.
"Ok. I love you.", I smiled at him.
He smiled back at me. Meanwhile with Summer and Doug.
"Get your ass upstairs. Now!", he yelled at her angrily.
She nodded and took the baby upstairs, holding him close to her chest. We heard yelling, then slapping, then the baby started crying, and Doug got mad.
"The baby shouldn't be witnessing his parents doing that.", I told Bonnie.
"Sssshhh I know, I know. Let's go to bed.", Bonnie told me.
Matt told us good night, soon we went to sleep.
When I woke up, Bonnie was gone. There was no note this time, only Matt sitting in the chair on the other side of the room. I jumped when I saw him.
"Matt what are you doing in here?", I asked tiredly.
He looked at me, "Oh Bonnie wanted me to tell you he won't be back until late tonight. Their circle meeting might take longer than usual."
I nodded.
"Oh Blu there's breakfast downstairs! Here I'll get you some!"
Matt gave me some pancakes. He was so nice. I loved his generosity. He's so sweet. Summer came down from her room all bruised, and holding Jordan. She had the saddest look on her face.
"Summer what's the matter?", I asked her.
She looked at me with a zombie expression on her face.
"Doug, what he did to me last night while our baby was in the room."
"What did Doug do?"
She paused, then answered,"He started slapping me, and I started crying very loudly. But then Jordan started to cry, and Doug yelled at him to shut up. But he didn't. So he walked over to him, and was gonna hit our baby. Then I tackled him. And I started punching him, telling him he can't do that to our baby. But then he got me off of him, and put me on the bed, then started to rape me... Again. After he did that, he started crying saying he's sorry, and that he doesn't know what came over him. Then we went to sleep."
"I'm sorry your baby was there to see that.", I told her.
"Hey where's Matt?", she asked.
"Oh he's out sweeping the deck. Why?"
She shook her head, then went to feed Jordan. After I was done, I went to put on SpongeBob. All of a sudden, Summer came over to me.
"Hey can you watch Jordan for a minute?"
I nodded. She went upstairs. I'm assuming to use the bathroom. She came back down with the gun. I stood up with the baby in my hands, and took a few steps back.
"Summer, what are you doing with that? Put that down now!", I told her.
She just stood there smiling. Then she started to cry.
"I love you Jordan, and Blu, make sure you two escape. I love you both. And I'll make sure to see you in the afterlife.", she said.
Then she held the gun to her head.
"No!", I said. I ran over to her then Matt walked in and saw what was going on. He tackled her, and I heard a gunshot. Summer was on the floor, and Matt was holding his hand. Blood was pouring out of his hand.
"Summer!", I yelled out.
"It's ok she's still breathing, it only got the very top of her head. She's just knocked out because shock kicked in. She wont die, but she does need help. Let's get her upstairs.", Matt told me.
He wrapped up his hand with quite a few kitchen towels, then we took her upstairs, and attempted to stop the bleeding, waiting for the boys to just walk through the front door down there...

Author's Note: Be sure to check out my friend joelsambib183 's version of this story! It's really funny! Hope your enjoying the story! Love you all! <3

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