Chapter 30

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When Bonnie got home, Matt and I made sure not to tell him what happened a couple hours earlier. I wish I could be with Matt. Yes I love Bonnie. He's caring, cute, and an excellent father. But Matt is, well, perfect. Whatever, I can't worry about that now. I have to explain to everyone why Summer is all tied up.
"Why is she like this? Did you guys drug her?!", Doug asked angrily.
"Well ya. She was going to kill herself. She had a knife this time. She was going to slit her throat and she was scaring me. So Matt and I tied her up. I'm sorry if this displeased you, but it's for her own safety and ours.", I told them.
Bonnie came over to me, and gave me a kiss.
"I'm proud of you.", he whispered in my ear.
"Well I'm gonna go make dinner.", Matt said in an annoyed voice with a hint of sorrow in it.
Bonnie took Shane and Violet, and started talking to them. Doug went upstairs to go get Jordan to feed him dinner. I had nothing else to do, so I turned on the tv. The news was the only interesting thing on, so I switched it to that. This time, Summer and I were the main story right now.
"Hey guys listen to this.", I told everyone.
"There seems to have been a note under one of the flowers at Blu's mother's grave. The note they found read,", she read off the note I wrote, "We do have a witness with us who can tell us what they saw.", the news anchor reported.
The cameras switched to the witness. It was a middle aged woman with dark brown curly hair, and blue eyes.
"Yes, a truck came up to her grave, and out came this, this person. Wearing a long black trench coat. They had women like legs. They're hands were small as well. Far too small to be male. They stared at the grave for a minute, then started writing something down on what looked like a napkin. They put it down, got in the truck and left.", the witness said.
"Police are thinking that could have been Blu. They have three guesses as to why or what that person was there. She could have been forced against her will to write that, it could've have been someone else, or worse, she has Stockholm Syndrome.", the news anchor informed us.
Then they went back to a boring case about other missing people.
"That's it. I know what we have to do. We have to kidnap that witness, show her you guys are alive, well and happy, show her your babies, then sacrifice her. It's the only logical reason.", Glen said angrily.
"Glen calm down she didn't get that much information.", Bonnie said.
"I don't care! We're doing it! Whether you like it or not!"
Glen came over to me and slapped me, right across my face. I winced out in pain. Bonnie put the babies on the couch and went over to Glen.
"Don't you dare touch her ever again! You hear me? If you lay one more hand on her, I will kill you myself!", Bonnie shouted angrily at him.
Glen slapped me again. Bonnie was wicked angry now.
"That's it your dead!"
Bonnie tackled Glen, and started fighting him. Like an actual fist fight. They were both breaking things. Everybody was yelling at them to stop, but they didn't. In fact it only got worse. Glen pulled out a knife.
"Oh you think that's gonna stop me!", Bonnie shouted at him.
Then Matt came rushing in and stood in between them.
"Guys stop fighting! It doesn't solve anything!", he yelled.
But before they could be stopped, Glen slashed Matt across his chest. Matt let out a cry, and they stopped.
"See what you did?! You hurt my friend you little bastard, your dead!", Bonnie yelled at him.
Bonnie took the knife out of Glen's hand, and stabbed him in his heart. And with that, that was the end of Glen...

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