Chapter 24

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7 months went by, my baby would be due in about 2 months. Summer and I haven't talked once since that night. That night where she tried to convince me that she was right. I'm pretty sure she noticed by now that I'm pregnant with Bonnie's baby, so there was no need to tell her. Matt and I became so close. Turns out, he's going to live with us. Which made me so so happy. Today was a Wednesday, and it was dinner time. Matt cooked for us, again, which meant that someone had to bring up a plate for Summer. Everyone told me that I had to do it. I knew better than to refuse, so I took it up to her. I had a plan to not talk to her. Just drop it off on her bed side table, and leave. When I went up there, she was sleeping, luckily. I walked in and dropped it off. As soon as I was about to leave, she woke up.
"Blu?" She said.
I turned around, "Y-yes?"
"Did we escape y-yet?"
"No, and we never will.", I told her.
She patted the bed, "Come here, come sit down."
I went to sit down with her. She started touching my hair, as if testing to see if this is real.
"You look really different. Or is that just me?"
"No I- I'm pregnant. With Bonnie's baby."
She took her hand off of my head.
"Why? Why are you?"
"Because Bonnie and I decided that now is the time to have a baby."
"Oh, by the way, happy birthday.", she told me.
I looked her in the eyes, "What?"
"Your birthday is today. Your turning 19. Happy birthday."
I had been so wrapped up in this whole Circle situation, that I completely forgot my birthday is today.
"Oh, thank you."
I got up to leave, before she stopped me.
"Wait Blu, can I come down there and eat dinner with everyone else?"
"Of course."
When I brought Summer down everybody stared at her.
"Summer, you've finally come down to join us for a meal.", Glen said.
"Glen don't be rude, we're happy you've decided to join us, Summer.", Matt told her politely.
She nodded and sat down next to Doug, and I sat next to Bonnie. The whole dinner everyone was silent. Until Summer brought up my birthday.
"Hey, t-today is Blu's Bir-Birthday.", she announced.
"It is?", Bonnie asked me.
I nodded, and he smiled.
"Happy Birthday. I love you so much."
"Happy birthday Blu!" Matt said to me.
Everyone was telling me happy birthday. I felt so happy. They care about me so much.
"Hey how old are you turnin'?", Matt asked me, again with the cute accent.
"I'm turning 19 today!"
Everyone nodded their heads. When dinner was done, Matt told us to stay where we all were. So we did for about half an hour. Until Matt came out with a birthday cake with a few candles on it. They all started singing happy birthday to me. Except for Summer, she just stared at me, not blinking. She looked so very sad. Everything about her face was emotionless. Except for her eyes. They were wild. By wild, I mean insane. She had a crazy look in her eyes. As if she's gone mad. Which she has. Everyone finally stopped with the birthday song, and I blew out the candles. Matt cut the cake, and served it to everybody.
"Sorry I didn't get you a present.", Bonnie told me.
"Yes, we are all terribly sorry we didn't get you a gift.", Matt told me disappointedly.
I shook my head, "No that's ok, I already got two amazing gifts. The dog, and you guys!"
They all said, 'aaaawwww!', whilst Summer sat there quietly eating her cake. Now that I look at her, she's changed a lot. Her face is always sad, even when she smiles, it always looks so so sad. She lost a ton of weight, and looks almost anorexic. But the thing that's changed the most, is her sanity. She's totally lost it. There's no way in helping her. Her mind is gone, and it will never be coming back...

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