Chapter 17

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I woke up. The wall clock read 10:45. Wow did I sleep in late. I got up, only to find Bonnie not there. But there was a note on the bed side table. It read,
We had to drop Leo off at another photo shoot, and get some groceries. I'm also getting you a little surprise. Because I know you've been through a lot since you've been here.
Love, Bonnie'
I smiled because he's so cute. Summer was still in her bed, so maybe a little breakfast in bed would be nice. I went downstairs to get her some pancakes and a glass of orange juice. The tray I found was wooden, and had wooden legs to stand up on. I knocked on her door, and opened it. She was holding Jordan, and talking to him. He was laughing and moving his hands about. She looked over at me.
"You didn't have to bring me breakfast. I could've gotten it.", she croaked out.
I set it down.
"Oh that's ok. You should be getting bed rest. And I got him his bottle."
"Thank you Blu."
I sat with her until she finished. She handed me the dishes so I could clean them, which I did. The shower was next on my list. I hopped in and out of it, brushed my hair and teeth, then went to go see Summer again. She was still holding Jordan. Just cradling him in her arms. I sat on the bed with her.
"Want to hold him?", she asked me.
"Please.", I told her.
She gave him to me. He was the cutest little guy ever. He was laughing, smiling, giggling.
"Say hi to auntie Blu Jordan!", Summer said in a baby voice.
I looked at her. She was smiling sweetly, looking at Jordan.
"Summer, have you been ok? Maybe I could get you out of this bed. Let's see if you can walk."
She shook her head and looked at her legs.
"I can't, it'll hurt too much."
I went to put Jordan in his crib, then held my hand out to Summer.
"Let's try."
She nodded, and I took her hand. She struggled to get up, but made it. I was still holding onto her hands.
"Does it hurt?", I asked.
"Not that much. Just feels a bit weird. My woman part is in pain though."
I laughed, "Don't worry it'll get better!"
I let go, and she started walking.
"Want to go downstairs?", I asked.
"Wait what about Jordan?"
I went to her room and took him downstairs with us. She wasn't as fast as she was before, but that'll change as she heals. When we were all settled down on the couch, there was a knock at the door. The door was locked from the outside. I yelled as loud as I could to unlock the door from out there. They did. Standing there was a beautiful, beautiful man. He had blue eyes just like oceans, short dark brown hair that was messy yet cute, a cleft chin, and a little dark brown goatee. He was a bit pale as well.
"Hey, I'm Matt, a friend of Bonnie's. He said two ladies could use a good haircut.", he smiled.
Matt has such a cute smile. His voice wasn't too high, and it wasn't too deep. It fit his adorable British accent he had.
"Ya come on in.", I told him.
He stepped in.
"So you can cut hair?", I asked.
"Oh yeah, I've been doing the circle's for about five years now. I'm supposed to be doing Blu and Summer. Is that you two?"
I pointed to summer, "That's Summer and I'm Blu. Summer can go first if that's ok."
They both nodded. He walked right over to Summer. While they were doing that, I was holding Jordan and sitting on the other couch.
"So are you in the circle?", I asked him, still looking down at Jordan.
"Oh goodness no, Bonnie and I have just been good friends for a while now. Ever since I came back from England."
His accent in his voice was so so so adorable.
"Why'd you come to America?", I asked him.
"I don't know. This place always intrigued me."
The whole time we were silent, until Summer was done. He had only taken an inch or two off, and cleaned up her bangs.
"Thank you i-it looks great.", she said.
"No problem, Blu it's your turn."
He cut my hair. His hands were so gentle. So soft. After about a twenty five minutes, he was done. He did the same thing too me he did to Summer.
"Thanks Matt, my hair looks much nicer.", I smiled.
"Of course. I'm going to be staying here for the next few months. So anytime you need this done, don't be afraid to ask.", he winked at me.
"May I ask why you're not in the circle?", I was curious I wanted to know.
"Too violent. I couldn't hurt a fly."
After that, everyone walked in. Bonnie came over to give me a hug.
"Ah, I see you've met my good ol' friend Matt Bellamont. Your hair looks beautiful.", Bonnie told me with his arm around my shoulder.
"Ya, I'm going to be cooking for you guys too. I'm also a chef.", Matt stated whilst smiling.
That night, I had the best spaghetti and meatballs I've ever had...

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