Chapter 20

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Everyone came home, there was no phone so we couldn't call Glen to tell him what happened. Matt and I tried really hard to stop the bleeding on Summer's head, but it just won't stop. Glen rushed in.
"What happened?", he yelled.
"She attempted to shoot herself, but I tackled her before she could. So it skid off the top of her head. And she got my hand.", Matt told everyone.
Doug took the baby and ran downstairs. I went with him. Bonnie, Leo, Glen, and Matt all stayed up there.
"I didn't like him at first, but he saved by wife's life. I'm grateful for that.", Doug told me.
"Ok? Why are you telling me?"
He looked at me and smiled as if being forced too do so.
"Because, you've been really trustworthy. And I feel like if I tell you, then you won't tell anyone that I actually have feelings."
I looked down. Doug seemed like a real big, bad, tough, guy on the outside, but on the inside, he was sweet, and kind. But all I cared about now, was waiting for Summer to be ok again.
Doug and I ended up falling asleep on the couch. The weird thing was, that he was snuggling me and Jordan on the same couch. As if I were Summer. They were both still sleeping so I had to get up really carefully. Doug was so warm, and cuddly. How could Summer not like to sleep with him. Whatever, I had to go see Summer. She was most likely sleeping, but still. I opened the door up slowly. But to my surprise she was sitting up on her bed staring out the window.
"Summer, are you ok?
She quickly turned her head to look at me.
"Yes, I'm fine."
I went to go sit down on the bed with her. As I did, she pushed over.
"What's the matter?", I asked her.
She looked out the window, "I didn't need him to save me. I was saving myself."
"But Summer, he did the right thing, would you want Jordan to live the rest of his life with no mother?"
She looked at me again, "Jordan, where is he?"
"Downstairs sleeping with Doug."
"Can I see your head?", I asked her.
"No! Leave me alone! I don't want to talk right now!", she yelled.
"But Summer-"
"No! Just go! Get out!", she yelled at me.
I left and went to find Bonnie. He was in our bed with Matt. They had fallen asleep together. I smiled at the cuteness. There looked like there was room for an extra person. So I snuck in. Matt was in the middle of Bonnie and I. He was so fun to snuggle with. I put my arm around both of them, and fell back asleep...

Authors Note: I know this chapter was really short, but I had to get it done! Hope your enjoying it though! Be sure to check out my friend joelsambib183 's story! <3 <3 <3 !!!

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