Chapter 22

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I went downstairs to find everyone watching tv.
"Bonnie can I talk to you for a minute?", I asked him.
"Ya go ahead."
"No, like, alone?", I motioned toward me. 
He sighed sarcastically, "I guess."
I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and so did I. We went into the kitchen.
"What did you need to talk about?", he asked.
I looked down, "Do you th- do you think that I've changed?"
"No! No honey of course not! Of course you haven't changed!"
He started rubbing my shoulders.
"No I mean like, Summer said that I've changed. If anything she's changed. I mean, she's gone insane!"
Bonnie nodded, "I know, I know. But you haven't changed."
I nodded, and walked back to the living room. Matt stood right up as I came in.
"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to come downstairs with me.", he told me.
"Of course I will! What is it you need?"
"Just come down with me."
I nodded and went down down with him. The basement seemed way more cleaned up than it used to be. It was just his guitar, his amp, a camera set up, a dresser, and a bed.
"Listen, I wanted to teach you how to play guitar. If your interested of course.", he told me.
"Really? You'd do that? Why yes! Yes I'd love too!"
"Great now let's teach you the basics."
He taught me until it was time for dinner.
Matt made us tacos for dinner. And since it was a Friday, Matt told us he'd treat us with with cookies. When Matt was done we sat around the tv and watched a movie. Halfway through the movie, we heard someone coming down the stairs. It was Summer.
"Hey how's your head?", Matt asked.
"It still hurts, but I wanted to come down to join everyone."
"Of course your always welcome down here!", Glen told her.
She sat down next to Doug, who was holding Jordan. Doug gave her Jordan. She started rocking him, and bouncing him up and down.
"Don't you want a baby too?", Bonnie whispered in my ear.
"Ya, that would be kind of fun to have a baby around.", I whispered back.
Getting closer he said, "You want to make one tonight?"
"I don't know Bon-"
"Think about it.", he cut me off.
I'm not sure that it's the right time right now. But it would be pleasurable to have a kid around. And I'm sure Matt would be willing to help with the baby too. It's settled then. Tonight, we will make our child.
The movie finally ended, which meant it was time to go to bed. When Bonnie closed the door, he started getting undressed right away. Soon, so did I. He came over to me, while we were both naked, and pinned me up against the wall. He started kissing me, then pushed me on the bed with him on top. It was fun. I'm sure we made a baby after tonight. When we were done, Bonnie got off of me and told me I can take a shower if I want. Just to come right in bed after. That's what I did. When I got out Bonnie was still awake. Sitting on the bed.
"Hey Bonnie? Do you think tomorrow you could pick up a pregnancy test at the store?", I asked him.
He smiled, "I'd love too."
I smiled as well, and then brushed my hair and teeth. Bonnie was a real sweetheart. He is going to make an excellent father. I just know it. I looked out the window in the bathroom to see the stars. I saw the Big Dipper. It was beautiful. Their plot of land was so amazing. I know I may have not liked it here at first, but I definitely love it here now...

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