Chapter 5

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"C'mon get up! We slept in! Go do what you need to do and get downstairs!", Bonnie yelled at me. I shot straight up and went to the shower. This time I showered fast because Bonnie might get mad if I take too long. After I brushed my hair I took a good look in the mirror. There were some bruises on my face. I had a black eye. My nose looked awful. It was all swollen and bloody. But I didn't have time for that. I needed to get downstairs. I raced down the steps to find Bonnie zipping up his coat.
"There's food in the kitchen if your hungry. Love you bye.", he told me as he kissed my cheek.
By the looks of it, they were in a rush. When they were finally gone, I went over to sit with Summer.
"Hey what happened t-the other n-night?", she asked me.
"He did this same thing to me he did to you. Only I was trying to escape. I had a good plan too. But he ruined it. Don't worry we'll get out of here.", I assured her.
She nodded. I went to go get some breakfast. The dining room was connected to the living room. So I could see the tv clearly. Summer had it turned on and she changed the channel to the news. Apparently it was a Monday. We've been here for a few days I guess. The whole day was silence. I tried breaking out a few times, but it just didn't work. Finally all the boys came home. It was earlier than yesterday, so they had time to make dinner.
"Hey Blu. Me and Doug are taking you two ladies out. We want to show you something.", Bonnie told us, "Doug is in the car waiting for us we gotta go now."
We nodded and he took both of us to the car.
"Hey Summer how was your day?", Doug asked.
She looked at him terrified, "Fine! I-I had a good d-day!", she said it very fast.
I felt bad how much she's changed in the past few days. It's crazy what a person can do to you in only three days.
We finally arrived at our destination. It was an old abandoned house.
"This is it?", I asked.
"Yup let's go in, we want you to try something.", Doug said.
We walked in, it was really dark. Bonnie turned the lights on only to reveal a huge pentagram on the floor. There were bodies piled around the room. I gasped in horror, but summer just shut her eyes tight and held onto me. There was also a cement alter up front with a large bowl in the middle. Bonnie grabbed two cups and scooped up some of the liquid that was inside the bowl into the cups. He gave each of us one.
"Drink it", he said.
We both shook our heads in disagreement.
"Fucking drink it!", Doug yelled.
At once we grabbed the cups and drank the liquid. It honestly wasn't that bad. A little thick though.
"Bonnie what is this?", I asked.
He looked at me while I was drinking it. "Blood."
Summer and I spit out the blood at the same time.
"What?!", Summer asked.
"We drain the blood of sinners, and when we're done we burn the bodies. For God. We worship him. And we know he'll take us when he knows that we rid the world of nasty sinners.", Doug informed us.
"Then what are all these bodies?", I asked.
"They haven't surved their purpose yet. In other words, they haven't given us their blood yet.", Bonnie told us.
Summer and I broke down into tears and held each other tightly.
"It's ok you guys aren't in this cult. At least not yet. Come on let's get you guys home. You must be tired!", Doug said to us soothingly.
The rest of the ride home we were crying and shaking...

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