Chapter 18

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The whole night Matt was staying up with us watching tv, playing games, it was fun. He's fun. But it all came to an end, when Bonnie told us it's time for bed.
"Hey good night everyone! I'll see you in the morning!", matt told us cheerfully.
"Hey man, you need a room? We can build you one.", Bonnie was telling Matt.
Matt shook his head, "No no I should be fine on the couch."
"You sure? I mean we can get you a room!"
Matt kept on shaking his head, "No I'm fine Bonnie get to bed!"
Bonnie shrugged his shoulders and we went upstairs. When our door was closed we started chatting.
"Your friend seems so nice.", I told him.
"Ya Matt is a great guy.", Bonnie replied back.
"Ya he seems cute too. I love the British accent.", I told him.
Bonnie looked down, "Ya, we used to date. When he first came to America. But we broke it off cause we're such good friends, we wouldn't want to ruin that friendship."
"You did? Oh that's cool. Matts such a great guy!"
Bonnie nodded and we lied down to go to bed.
We woke to hear laughing and the smell of waffles. Bonnie and I walked downstairs.
"Then I said, well you're the one who ate the leprechaun!", Matt joked to everyone.
The room was filled with laughter. Even Summer was laughing. That's the first time since she's been here. Matt finally spotted us.
"Oh hey guys, I made waffles for everyone! Here take one!", he offered us.
Bonnie and I took a waffle. They were so very good. Summer was feeding Jordan his bottle. Matt was making everyone laugh with his hilarious jokes. He even made the baby laugh. When everyone was finished Glen offered to clean everything up, but Matt cut in saying it's his mess and he should do it. Bonnie told me they had to go pick up Leo from his modeling job, and then go to another circle meeting. He kissed me on the cheek, and they all left. It was just me, Summer, Jordan, and Matt.
"Hey Blu, you want to come help me with something", Matt motioned toward him.
I nodded and went with him down to the basement. Apparently this is where he was keeping all of his stuff. There was a guitar, a piano, a camera, and a bunch of other junk.
"Can you just help me carry this piano upstairs, Bonnie told me where I should put it."
"Of course. Now, do you play these instruments?", I asked him.
"Nope they just look nice so I thought I'd buy them."
I stared at him with a blank expression.
He laughed, "Yes of course I play!"
"Oh, do you think you could play something?"
He nodded, "Yes, but first let's move this upstairs."
It was heavy, and took a while, but we did it. All while Summer was sitting on the couch rocking Jordan.
"So can you play?", I asked.
"Ya, but I'm not very good. Here's a song I wrote myself. I don't know what to call it yet."
He started to play. It was beautiful. The best sound I've ever heard. Soon, he started to sing. He had a beautiful beautiful voice.
"So ya... I wasn't really that good.", he blushed.
"Are you kidding? Your amazing! You have a talent! I'm gonna go get your guitar."
I got his guitar with his amp, and gave it to him. He plugged it in and started playing. Even though it was electric, doesn't mean it wasn't the best sound ever. Once again, he started singing. Matt was truly gifted with the voice of a god. Then, he was done.
"Can you whistle too?", I asked.
Matt started to  whistle. There was nothing this man couldn't do. He was beautiful, musical, and a chef. He was perfect.
"Matt, Jordan loved your music!", Summer smiled.
Matt went over to hold Jordan, and started singing to him. Jordan started giggling and smiling. There was no doubt, his voice was unbelievably angelic...

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