Chapter 14

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I woke up to find that I was tied to me and Bonnie's bed. I tried to get up, but the ropes were tied too tight. There was also a bandage tied around where Bonnie stabbed me. The door creaked open, and in walked Bonnie.
"How is she? Is Summer alive? Did she get to see her baby?", I asked him.
He walked over and sat down on the bed.
"Yes, she is awake, but still in pain, so she'll have to stay in bed. She did get to see her baby. Her and Doug decided to name him Jordan."
I sighed in relief.
"But, there is a cult meeting tonight. The boys and I decided that it would be a good idea if you came with us. We have another sinner, and this time... We've decided your going to be there, when she dies...", Bonnie told me.
Some tears slipped out of my eye.
"Please you can't make me go. Who's going to stay with the baby? And Summer?"
He wiped my tears away.
"It's ok, Glen is going to stay, and take care of them."
He got up and left. I can't go tonight, I don't want to witness someone dying. Bonnie said he'd kill Glen and Leo, so there would be no cult. But I don't think he wants to because that's his family. More so his family's religion. He didn't come back for a while, so I fell asleep.
When I woke up, it was pitch black. All I could hear were muffled noises. My hands were tied behind my back. Also my feet were tied in front of me. The floor I was sitting on was cold and hard. Footsteps were coming closer and closer to me. I realized that there was a black sack on my head, because Bonnie pulled it off. The cement alter was in front of me. Bonnie untied me. I stood up and looked behind me. There were three people on their knees, with their hands behind their backs.
"You don't have to kill any of them, but you will choose who goes first. Now choose.", Bonnie told me.
"No Bonnie please no! You can't make me do this!", I cried to him.
"Do it! Now!", Doug yelled at me.
It took me a while, but I finally chose. It was a guy who had dark dark hair, and green eyes.
"Please you can't do this! I have a wife!", he screamed.
"I'm sorry", I told him.
They untied the man, put him in the center of the circle, and gathered around him. They also did some kind of prayer as well. Leo took the knife and held it high. Bonnie held me so I could see. Leo pressed the knife against his throat. A deep slit was made in his neck, and out poured blood. The man went on his knees, then fell over. Doug was collecting all the blood spilling out of him into a dish. Then he put it in the alter.
"Now choose the next one.", Bonnie said.
The same thing happened again. Until it was time for the last one. She was a girl. A beautiful one too. She had short dark purple hair. A piercing on her lip. Her eyes were amazing though. She had two different colored eyes. It was amazing. One was green, with a little gold, and the other was dark brown, with a little gold.
"Wait, before you kill me, I just want you too know, that I can do great things. I am a doctor! I know how to work with medicines! Also I can cook! I'm a chef!", she said.
Doug, Leo, and Bonnie can all looked at each other.
"Wait, you can work with medicines?", Doug asked.
She nodded.
"Could you help us with something then?", Doug asked.
"What is it?", she asked them.
Doug motioned towards us, "Come with us".
Just like that, we all went home...

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