Chapter 9

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I woke up only to find Bonnie with a wet towel in his hands. He pressed it against the black eye he gave me.
"Bonnie what are you doing?"
"Sssshhhh", he hushed me.
The room was dim there was only a lamp on. I'm assuming everyone was sleeping.
"What time is it?", I asked him.
"It's almost midnight. But I wanted to take care of you to make sure you're ok. I love you. Why did you try to escape?"
I looked at him, and he looked so sad.
"I-I wanted to get home. I wanted to see my parents again. And tell them I'm ok. Summer can't raise her babies here.", I sobbed to him.
Bonnie looked down, and sighed, "I know it seems tough, but I will kill Glen and Leo. Then there will be no cult. Only discipline. If needed of course."
His voice was so calming and soothing.
"But what about Doug? He hurts Summer. She can't live like that. What if he hurts her baby?"
Bonnie just shook his head, "Let's go upstairs to bed. It's late."
I stood up, although it was a little hard to stand. I walked upstairs, slowly. I was worried about what Bonnie might do. But surprisingly, he didn't do anything. Right after we got in bed, I asked him why.
"Bonnie? Why didn't you discipline me?"
He was silent for a few seconds then said,
"Because, I already punched you, I feel like that was enough. It kills me inside whenever I have to hurt you."
What he said made me get chills. Maybe he is just a misunderstood guy. His family just forced him to do this. He did say that he doesn't want to be in 'The Circle'. Well I don't need to worry about it now. What I do need to worry about is falling asleep. Which is hard to do right now since I just woke up.
When I woke up, I knew I'd slept in late. There was a note on the bed side table. It was from Bonnie.
All of us had to go out to take care of some business. Please help yourself to some breakfast if you'd like. And remember, I love you.
He could be a real cutie sometimes. I went downstairs and Summer was sitting on the couch staring at the wall.
"Summer? You ok?, I asked her.
She wipped her head around fast.
"Y-yes! I'm fine! I'm just talking to Joey!"
Now she was scaring me. Who was Joey? Why was she talking to him?
"W-who's Joey?", I asked nervously.
"He is one of the people 'The Circle' killed. He told me to get revenge on them. To kill them."
I swallowed real hard. What if she goes after Bonnie? She can't. I won't let her. Obviously there is no Joey. She's just going insane. Doug has driven her into madness, and I don't think anything could get her out.
"Um... W-what else did Joey say?"
"Well he's gone now! You scared him off! But he did say that he knows that you will do good. He knows you will save us. He knows you can get rid of this awful cult."
Nervously I walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a bowl of cereal. Then walked back into the living/dining room.
"Hey Summer put on spongebob.", I told her.
She put it on, and we both watched it. I hope nothing bad happens to Summer. I hope nothing bad happens to those two babies growing inside of her. I hope nothing bad happens to Bonnie...

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