Chapter 21

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Bonnie and Matt woke me up when they got out of bed.
"I see you crawled in bed with us last night.", Matt winked.
"Ya, you two are just so cuddly!"
He laughed, and we went downstairs. I think Matt is just going to be our new chef because he's been the only one actually cooking for us. Glen and Leo went to go check on Summer. They asked if I wanted to go, but I didn't want to bother with her. Everyone was sitting around the table waiting for breakfast to be ready while chatting. Bonnie started talking childishly to Jordan, making him laugh. Doug was holding Jordan whilst Bonnie made him laugh. But I sat there, silent. Suddenly we started to hear yelling, and then loud crashes. Glen and Leo came down.
"What happened up there?", Doug asked.
"We told her that we'll bring her breakfast but she started yelling at us. She said she wanted her baby. We told her not yet, then she got angry, and started throwing things at us.", Leo told everyone.
Matt walked in with breakfast it was waffles with bacon, and he got us all orange juice.
"I can bring a plate up to Summer.", Matt said making her a plate.
"No I don't think it would be best right now.", Glen said.
Matt shook his head, "It's fine, I'll bring it to her. She must be hungry that's all."
"Wait can I go to with you?", I asked matt.
"Of course."
We walked up there. I opened the door. She was still staring out the window. Even when she heard us come in, she didn't look over.
"Hey, we got you breakfast!", Matt said in the gentlest of voices.
"I'm not hungry.", she said surprisingly calm.
"Well we're just going to leave this on your bed side table then.", Matt told her.
He put it there, then we left. We went downstairs, and had breakfast. Bonnie, Glen, Leo, and Doug all had to go out. Probably another circle meeting. Glen told Matt how to take care of Summer. Matt checked on her every hour. He played me some more piano. We watched some SpongeBob together. I like that Matt is becoming my new friend. He's a great friend to have. The day went on like that until everyone came home. Bonnie had a box that said 'Gerrys pet shop!' On it, with holes at the top.
"Hey Blu, I've got a surprise for you.", Bonnie told me.
He opened the box, and pulled out a puppy! He was so small, and had brown soft fur, with small ears that hung down on both sides of his head. Bonnie gave him to me.
"The guy at the store said he barely even sheds. And he doesn't get too too big.", Bonnie said.
I went up to hug Bonnie with the dog in my arms, "Thank you thank you thank you! I love you so so much! I'm going to name him....", I gave him a good look, "Cinnamon! That's what we'll name him!"
I mostly picked that because that was the color of his fur. Summer needed to see him. I took him upstairs to show Summer. She was reading a book.
"Summer look what Bonnie got me! I decided to name him Cinnamon!"
She glared at me.
"Don't you get it?", she told me.
I shook my head.
"Why I attempted suicide was the only way to get out of here. There was no other way. I lost faith in you, Blu. I remember you told me that you would get us out of here. And you promised you would. You seemed to have broken that promise.", she told me.
I looked down, "Summer, don't you think it's better here? I even made a new friend! We got married to people who love us for us! They give us everything!"
She shook her head, "They've killed people in front of your eyes! How could you think like that?! He's changed you. Your are blinded by what you desire most. Our parents are dead inside without us! Yours especially! She's gone mad! Bonnie's changed you for the worse, and there's no going back. Now leave. Get out of my sight."
"How could you say that?! I-", she cut me off.
"Just get out!"
She threw her book at me, and I hurried out of there. What if she was right. What if he changed me, and I didn't even realize it...

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