Chapter 13

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It was about 11:30 at night. The room was dim with only a lamp on that didn't work too well. I've been waiting up here with Summer for hours. Just waiting for her to wake up. Glen said she would be ok for now. All of a sudden, Summer was opening her eyes. A tear managed to escape my eye.
"Hey. Your finally awake. How are you feeling?", I asked her.
She looked up at me, and smiled, "Oh.. Blu, hi. I-I'm fine. Whe-where's my babies?..."
Oh no. She doesn't remember that she lost one of them. How do I tell her.
"Um... One of your babies are... Um... D-dead... But the other one is alive and happy!"
She went from happy, to bursting into tears. The heart monitor she was on started to get faster. I called Glen and he came running in.
"What happened?", Glen asked.
"I don't know I just told her one of the babies died."
"Oh no that was a bad idea.", Glen told me.
He rushed over to Summer. I went downstairs to find Bonnie holding the baby.
"Hey. What did you do to her?", Doug asked me angrily.
I looked at him, a vein was popping out of his forehead. Now I knew he was angry.
"I just told her that her baby died, and that one is still alive, then her heart monitor started beeping really fast. I realize now that maybe it was too soon..."
Doug lunged at me and put his hands around my neck, and squeezed really tight. I could feel my face getting red, and it was getting harder and harder to breath. Just then, Bonnie lunged on top of Doug and started beating him up. I was able to get up, and breath. Bonnie had put the baby on the couch, he was crying too. So I picked him up and tried to calm him. Which I did. He seemed to calm down a bit. Suddenly I heard a, click. I turned my head to see that Bonnie had his pocket knife out! He was going to kill Doug! I couldn't let this baby live a life with no parents. Bonnie held the knife high above Doug's chest.
"Bonnie no! Stop!", I screamed at him.
He was going to slam it down before I tackled him. His knife went into my arm in the process. I yelled out in pain.
"Why would you do that?! He was going to kill you!", Bonnie shouted.
"What if Summer doesn't survive. And you'd have killed Doug. Would you be proud of yourself? Making this baby live with no parents. I couldn't let you do that.", I said while tearing up.
Bonnie went into hug me, but I pushed him away. I also noticed that the door was open out of the corner of my eye. Yes, Bonnie and I do love each other, but I'm not going to live in this horrific household any longer. The baby can't be raised knowing his father is in a sick sick cult. When no one was looking, I grabbed the baby and jolted to the door. Bonnie was chasing after me, I could hear him. I made it to the street, until Bonnie finally caught up, and grabbed me. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me violently while saying,
"What are you doing?! Your friend is dying, and your just going to leave her?! I thought you were beginning to like it here Blu!" Bonnie shouted at me.
I was crying, the tears were streaming down my face. Bonnie punched me and I stumbled over, still holding the baby close.
"I don't want to do this, but you leave me no choice."
Bonnie jammed the needle into my neck. I almost dropped the baby. Bonnie took him out of my hands. I could hear Doug running over.
"Give me my baby. Summer is awake! And she wants to see the baby.", Doug said.
Bonnie picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Right before he stepped on the deck, I blacked out from the drugs...

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