Chapter 6

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Finally, we arrived home. I felt so sick. How could they think that's ok? How could anyone think that's ok? Summer looks traumatized. She's already going insane, just imagine what this will do to her.
"Ok go upstairs. We're going to bed.", Bonnie told me.
I just nodded and went upstairs, wondering what time it was. I didn't bother asking. Everyone was walking up the stairs quietly. Summer actually didn't put up a fight. Maybe she learned what would happen if she did. I also didn't here any screams all night which was a good sign. It took a while, but I finally fell asleep.
I awoke to the sound of rain slamming the roof, and thunder. Bonnie was still asleep so it must've been early. I looked at the clock on the wall it read, 4:54. Great. I've got two hours before everyone wakes up. Maybe I could do some looking around in our room. I bet he has a key in here somewhere. The dresser was the first thing I looked in. Nothing was in it except clothes. I did this really quietly. The bed side table was next. It was right beside Bonnie so I had to be really really quiet. Damn it, I thought. Nothing! There has to be keys somewhere! I started to cry, thinking we're never getting out of here. That it's hopeless. All of a sudden, Bonnie started waking up. He sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes.
"What the hell are you doing awake this early?", he asked.
He realized I was crying, so he came running over to me and put his arm around me.
"What's wrong? Is it what happened yesterday? I promise you will never have to see that again!", he told me so calmingly.
His voice was so soothing it was almost, hypnotizing. But no he's a kidnapper and a very sick sick person.
After about 2 hours of me rocking back and forth whilst crying, everyone finally got up. Bonnie went back to sleep after he thought that he'd calmed me down. I hopped in and out of the shower fast. I didn't want to upset anyone. Then raced downstairs. Turns out Bonnie and I were the first ones down there. I volunteered to cook breakfast since nobody was down here yet. I made waffles for everybody. When I set them on the table everyone seemed to be coming down the stairs. Summer looked like a zombie. Emotionless, the constant stare, and all the bruises on her.
"Summer are you ok?", I asked her.
She nodded then sat down. Everyone was eating silently until Glen spoke up.
"Leo and I are going to get groceries today, if you want you and Doug can come. Or you can stay with the ladies."
"No I think me and Doug'll stay.", Bonnie said.
Glen nodded then cleaned up everything. Leo and Glen left. It was just the four of us.
"Hey Summer want to go have some fun upstairs?", Doug asked.
She just sat there silent.
"Answer my question!", he yelled.
"N-no. P-please no!", she cried.
He took her hand and dragged her upstairs. This time there were no screams. I wonder if she was used to it.
"You want to go sit on the deck with me?", Bonnie asked.
They have a deck? Anyway this could be my chance to escape.
"Yes I would Love that.", I said.
Bonnie giggled, "And don't try anything, I've got a gun on the deck I'll shoot you if you try to get away."
I swallowed. There goes that plan. We went to sit on the deck. It was silent for 10 minutes, but then Bonnie spoke up.
"You know, I don't even want to be in this cult. But they're making me. I think it's sick and inhuman. But it's been a part of our family's religion for quite some time now. I Love you too. But sometimes every now and then you need a little discipline. For not listening. Soon, we're going to have children. We'll raise them here. I think we'll have to kill Leo and Glen though. We could stop the cult. Then we could live in peace here.", Bonnie said.
Why would he kill them? Aren't they his family. Well maybe he wants to break free of the chains they have him in.
"What even is the name of the cult?"
He looked me dead in the eye, "The circle.", he said.
Glen and Leo came back so that meant we had to come in. Maybe Bonnie isn't that bad. He seems innocent, and that Glen and Leo are making him do these things. Maybe once Bonnie kills Glen and Leo, everything will be fine...

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