Chapter 15

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We all arrived back home. The girl we took with us stepped out of the car. She did not seem shy, she just walked right into the house. As if it were her's. We all went in.
"Now tell me what you need. I will help you."
When she said 'I will help you', she looked directly at me.
"My wife Summer. She's lost a lot of blood during child birth. My brother is up there with her right now. But is there anything you could do to get her well again?", Doug said.
She sighed, "Well do you have any medical instruments?"
"Yes my brother used to be a doctor, he has all the stuff you need. Just please help her."
"I'll see what I can do."
We all went upstairs. Glen was sleeping in the chair, and Summer was sleeping in bed. When we opened the door, he woke up fast though.
"Who's this?", Glen asked.
"She's here to help Summer. We know your a professional, but maybe she can help too.", Bonnie told him.
The girl went over to sit with Summer. She put her hand on Summer's forehead.
"May I take her temperature?"
Glen handed her a thermometer. She stuck it in Summer's mouth. After a few seconds, it started to beep. She looked down at it.
"Normal temp. Do you have a stethoscope?"
Glen handed her one. Seriously I have no idea why he has all of this. Anyway, she placed it on Summer's chest.
"Her heart beat is a little faster than normal. Her breathing is a little off too. Those are both signs of dehydration. I'd get her some water."
Leo ran downstairs to get a cup of water.
"So you said she gave birth to a baby?", she asked.
Everyone nodded.
"Do you mind if I take a look in her vaginal area?"
"Go ahead.", Glen told her.
"Wait I mind! That's my wife!!!", Doug snapped.
"Don't worry, I'm only a doctor."
She looked under the blanket. Then poked her head back up.
"Ah, you didn't stitch her up. You only put a towel under her. That's why she's bleeding so much. Do you have stitching supplies?"
Glen handed her a green box. She started to stitch Summer up. It took about ten minutes, but she managed to stitch her up right.
"Always remember to stitch up the vagina when a woman gives birth.", she told us.
"Thank you so much for fixing up my wife. Maybe we should keep you here. You know, just in case anyone needs your assistance.", Doug said.
Everyone agreed with him.
"Ok. I can take the couch if you want.", she said.
"No need! We can make you a bedroom!", Bonnie said happily.
She shrugged her shoulders.
"If you'll excuse us, Blu and I need to talk.", she said.
How did she know who I was? She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.
"Listen, I know your in danger. I've seen you and Summer on the news. I know Doug raped Summer. That's why she's like this. Don't worry. I'll get you guys out. By the way, my name is Cheyanne.", she told me.
"But I don't want to leave. I like it here. They're all just so caring, you know?", I replied back.
Cheyanne looked at me with widened eyes.
"You can't be serious. Tell me your joking."
I shook my head.
"How do you want to stay here?! Look what they did to your friend! She's almost dead because of them!", Cheyanne whispered in an angry tone.
"Because, Bonnie is a sweet guy. Sure he's punched me a few times, sure he's drugged me a few times. But that's ok! It's only because I wasn't listening to him! And you just saved my friend! Now she's ok. This life is way better then my old one. Now I don't have to go to school, and pay for bills.", I explained to her.
She was shaking her head, while looking down.
"You have Stockholm Syndrome. That's why your like this. Don't worry once we get out of here, you'll be fixed in no time. C'mon, I'm pretty sure the door is unlocked downstairs. We can escape now."
She grabbed my hand, and pulled me down the stairs. Turns out the door was unlocked. We ran out of it, into the road. We ran so far away from the house. Soon Cheyanne stopped to catch her breath. She thought we outran them. When she turned around Bonnie was standing there with a knife in his hands. He had eyes so wide, it almost looked like he had no eyelids. He was sweating and shaking real hard, his mouth was kind of open and shaking as well. His eyebrows kind of pointed down. He looked so furious, I'm surprised steam wasn't coming out of his ears. Right when she turned around she managed to let out half a second of a scream, before Bonnie slit her throat. She dropped to the ground. 
"Bonnie!", I yelled.
He put his hand over my mouth, "Sssshhhhh, let's just go back, and go to bed."
I nodded out of fear, and we walked back. All the way home he had his hand over my mouth...

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