Chapter 27

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The whole night I just couldn't sleep, because the babies were crying so loudly. But every time I tried to get up, Bonnie told me to lay back down, and that he'll get it. Bonnie slept on the chair next to me. He is going to be such a great father, I can already tell. When the morning finally came, I was so happy to get out of bed. Matt told me to stay in bed, that I should probably regain my strength and he'll bring me all my meals. But I told him I'm fine, and I can do it. When I went downstairs everyone asked me how I was and what the baby's names are. Everyone held them. First I gave the babies their bottles, and when I was done Bonnie took Shane to play with him for a little bit. Matt took Violet to talk to her and rock her. I could tell Summer wanted to hold Violet. She was sitting real close to Matt, just staring into Violet's eyes. Matt liked it though. He let Summer sit as close as she wanted too.
"Hey Summer, you want to hold her?", Matt asked.
She nodded in excitement and took the baby. Violet was sleeping, so Summer held her gently. I went over to sit with her.
"She h-has your eyes. And she has Bonnie's n-nose.", Summer told me.
Bonnie walked over to me, he gave me a kiss, and Shane. When I looked over at Matt he was glaring at Bonnie. Now that we were in the light I noticed he had a black eye and some bruises on him. Matt offered to take care of Shane for today. I told him it's ok. When Summer took the baby upstairs it was just Matt and I.
"Matt, how did you get all of those bruises? And that black eye?"
"Oh I just , um, fell."
"No you didn't. There wouldn't be that many."
He looked at the baby, "Ok fine, Bonnie beat me up. But it's no big deal."
I was shocked. How could Bonnie do that to his best friend?
"What why? Your his best friend?!"
He hesitated then said, "Well yesterday, before you blacked out, I kissed you. On the lips. I thought I was gonna lose you. So I gave you a goodbye kiss."
Aw he's so sweet.
"Aw Matt, I love you too."
I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he blushed.
"I-I think I'm gonna go make some cookies for everyone."
He went off into the kitchen and that was it. Summer came back down with the baby.
"I think she needs her diaper changed.", she told me.
"Ok. Matt is in the kitchen. He's making cookies. Maybe you could help him."
"No. I'd rather watch SpongeBob."
Watch SpongeBob she did. We both did. Matt came back out with the cookies a little while after.
"Hey guys. I think I want to dye my hair black again.", he announced.
"Again?", I asked.
"Ya. Before I had black, blue, blonde, red, and my natural is brown."
"Oh. Well go ahead.", I told him.
"Ok, well I gotta go out to get hair dye then. I'll be right back."
I nodded and he left. Matt makes the best cookies, he really does. Everyone else came back before Matt did.
"Hey where's Matt gone?", Doug asked.
"Oh he decided he wants to dye his hair black. He went out to get hair dye.", I told them.
"Oh ok."
Matt finally came back around 6:30. Glen had dinner on the table. Matt looked surprised when he came back.
"Hey I'm usually the one to cook dinner!"
"Ya well we thought we'd give you a break.", Glen told him.
Matt shrugged his shoulders and sat down for dinner. When everyone was done Matt pulled me aside to help him dye his hair. It took a while but we managed. Finally it was time for bed. Bonnie put the babies in their cribs, then came over to me.
"Hey Bonnie, why'd you beat up Matt?", I asked him.
"I didn't! Where would you get that crazy idea!", Bonnie shouted.
"He told me today!"
Bonnie looked down and sighed, "Because he kissed you. Only I can kiss you."
"He did it cause he was afraid he'd lose me! He would lose his best friend!"
"Let's just go to bed.", he silenced me.
We went to bed, and I was happy to sleep that night....

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