Chapter 23

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The next day Bonnie went out to get me a pregnancy test. Oh I hope it was positive. After Matt served us breakfast, I went to watch tv with him. I wanted to tell him. But I don't know how he'll react. While Matt and I were watching spongebob I told him.
"Hey Matt", I said.
He looked over at me, "Ya?"
"Well... Last night, Bonnie and I... You know... Did some stuff... An-"
"Don't tell me, your pregnant!", he cut me off.
"Well I don't know for sure. Bonnie went to go pick up a pregnancy test for me."
He jumped up all excited, "Yay! I'm gonna be 'uncle Matt' ya? Doesn't that sound good?"
Oh Matt, anything sounds good in that adorable accent of yours.
"Yup. You will be uncle Matt alright!", I smiled.
He gave me a hug. We started talking about baby names, and all the stuff he's gonna buy for the baby. Although, I may not even be pregnant.
"Let's go tell Summer!", he suggested.
"No! No! Well, not yet at least. I want to wait."
He nodded understandably. We started watching SpongeBob for a little bit, until Bonnie walked in. I ran straight over to him.
"Here, go try this. I think I got the right one", he handed me the box.
"Ya they're fine, I love you thank you again.", I kissed him on the cheek.
I took the box upstairs and used it. When I was done, it was positive. I'm going to have a baby! I jumped up all excited, and ran downstairs to tell everyone.
"Guys, I'm having a baby!", I told them.
Matt, Bonnie, Glen, Doug, and Leo all came over to give me a hug.
"Do you think it's time to tell Summer?", Matt asked me.
"No not yet. She'll find out sooner or later."
He nodded, then squeezed me tight.
Summer came down here. She looked at me.
"What's all this celebrating about?", she asked.
Doug walked over to her, and put his hand on her shoulder.
"Why don't you go back upstairs.", he told her.
She threw his hand off her shoulder, and gave him an angry look. She kneed him in the stomach, grabbed the baby, grabbed my hand and bolted to the door, which was surprisingly unlocked. Bonnie must've forgot to lock it. She dragged me outside only before Doug punched Summer in her shoulder. She stopped to clutch it, and held the baby close to her chest. Then he kicked the back of her knees and she fell. He gave me the baby, and he jammed a needle into her neck. He scooped her up over his shoulder, then we walked back together.
"What was that all that about?", Bonnie asked.
I shook my head. I realized that it was late when Bonnie got home. So Matt just made us something quick for dinner. When we were done everyone just went straight to bed. When Doug and Summer were alone, we heard them arguing.
"I'm sorry for her. She's gone insane.", I told Bonnie.
"That's ok. At least you haven't.", he kissed my forehead.
"Blu, I have a question, do you love me?"
"Yes of course I do. I wouldn't be pregnant if I didn't."
"You really mean that?"
I nodded, and he smiled. Just then, we started hearing a scratching noise at the door. Bonnie opened it only to find Cinnamon standing there. Bonnie and I both laughed. He came in and jumped up on the bed. We pet him, and he stuck his tongue out. Cinny was so cute. I love this dog. Bonnie and I fell asleep with Cinnamon at the end of our bed...

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