Chapter 32

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Blu's point of view
Turns out the reason Doug was screaming was because Summer had actually stabbed him in his leg. She had ran away after that. Bonnie and Leo went after her. Matt stayed with Doug to put pressure on his bleeding leg. Meanwhile I was with all the babies taking care of them. Sam and Dan were helping too. I was glad to have my friends back. They would soon start to love it here. I know they would. After about all day, Bonnie and Leo came back with Summer. Leo had her over his shoulder.
"Carrying her is gonna ruin my perfect shoulders!", Leo complained.
Bonnie sighed and rolled his eyes. Leo quickly lay her down on the couch. It looked like she was drugged.
"We found her near the city. Luckily no one was around to see us take her.", Bonnie told us.
"Well I wrapped Doug's leg. We just have to change the bandage every few hours.", Matt told us.
"Ok well let's go have dinner.", Bonnie said.
On that note, we had dinner.
Summer's point of view
I almost escaped, and I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for Bonnie and Leo who chased after me. I was glad that I stabbed Doug in the leg. Now he's weak. Then Sam, Dan, and I can get out of here. I'm not worried about Blu since she 'loves it here'. But whatever. We will escape. No matter what it takes. Doug took me up to bed. But he was so angry with me. He was furious. When we got up there, he shut the door tight, and hobbled up to me. Then he slapped me. I was used to the pain by now.
"What the hell where you thinking Summer? Do you think I don't love you? I do! Your just too difficult sometimes! But I love you! So never run away again!", he yelled
This doesn't usually happen, but it's time to fight back.
"No! You don't love me! If you did, you wouldn't always hit me! And drug me! And... And rape me..", my voice trailed off.
He had his fists clenched, and his eyebrows were furrowed together.
"I told you I do love you! You just don't listen! Now get on that bed!!!", he yelled at me.
"No. I'm not going to listen to you."
He shoved me hard onto the bed. Then got on top of me. To be honest, he was doing pretty good with a stabbed leg.
"We're gonna make so many babies. Your gonna be a great mother. I love you.", he told me.
I pushed him off of me and ran downstairs to get Sam and Dan.
"What is it? What's wrong?", they asked.
"Just quick get the key out of the end table! Hurry hurry!", I yelled at them.
Sam got the key and unlocked the door. We ran outside all the way to the city. I kept looking behind us. Doug was there. He wouldn't catch us though. We were too far. But I heard a truck coming. Closer and closer. Something shot into Sam's neck. Then Dan's. I kept running. But my neck was shot too, and I blacked out.
When I woke up, Sam and Dan were on the couch. Luckily they were still alive. Blu was on the other side of the room frowning at me. It seemed we were the only ones in the room besides Sam and Dan.
"How could you?", she asked me.
"How could I what?"
"How could you just leave? You have a life here. More importantly, a family. And you just want to throw it all away for some... Some.... Boring life! How could you leave everyone and everything behind?", she sobbed.
Sam and Dan looked shocked at what came out of her mouth. Blu had Violet in her arms just rocking her. I miss those days. Just being a baby without a care in the world.
"Matts making us dinner. He'll call you in when it's ready.", she told me whilst crying, then left.
"Does she not realize her mom is dead? Taken by suicide? Doesn't she know that?", Dan asked me.
"Oh she knows, but Bonnie's brainwashed her into thinking it's ok. It's ok to live here. It's ok to be raped.", I told them.
Soon it was time for dinner. I know what I'm doing tonight. I'm getting Sam, Dan, and I out of here...

Author's Note: Hey! Hope your enjoying the story! It's been fun to write for everyone! You should check out my friend joelsambib183 's version of this story! It's way more comical than mine! Love you all!! Thank you for reading! Now time to write chapter 33! ;)

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