Chapter 28

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About a week later, it was Jordan's first birthday. Matt had made him a birthday cake. Doug had a present for him. He had a little party hat and everything. He was adorable. My babies had actually developed their eye color now. Shane had blue eyes, and Violet has green. Summer self harms herself a lot. By that I mean she bangs her head on the wall in attempt to kill herself. She always says that there's no point in her life anymore. But Summer can't die. Jordan would have to live his life with no mother. I couldn't let that happen. We watch the news everyday to see what's happened. They barely even talk about us anymore. Which everyone thinks is a good thing. I agree. It is good. Matt looks great with black hair. He's so cute. Anyway, today is Jordan's first birthday. Everyone decided to cancel the cult meeting so they could stay home and have a family day. All we did was watch movies and eat popcorn and Jordan's birthday cake. That was basically it. Then, it was time for bed. Bonnie and I took the babies upstairs, and put them to sleep. Bonnie and I went to brush our teeth. When we were done, Bonnie sat on the bed with me, rubbing my shoulders.
"Hey, I think we're going to go to bed a little later tonight.", he told me.
"Oh? Why is that?", I smiled.
"Because.", he stood up and motioned toward him to follow him.
"But Bonnie what about the babies?"
"It's fine they're sleeping. Now come on!"
I sighed then followed. We went down to the living room. He searched the room to make sure no one was around, then took out a key, and unlocked the door.
"I thought we could sit outside and watch the stars. Just you and I.", he told me.
I hugged him and held him close to me. He kissed my forehead. This was my perfect chance to escape. Trust me. I love it here. It's the best place I could ever imagine. Unfortunately, my mother is dead. I just want to see her grave and say goodbye one last time. I'll make sure no one sees me. Then when I'm done, I'll come right back. Bonnie was closing the door, so maybe he wouldn't notice. Maybe. I ran off. Into the road. I ran as far as I could, as fast as I could. He was yelling my name, then started to chase after me. I was running forever until I got to the end of the road. I could see city lights. That was my city. I ran and ran until I heard a car. It was Bonnie. He got out and came after me.
"Blu? What the hell are you doing?! You've got 2 babies at home! And your just going to leave?! What kind of mother are you?!", he shouted at me.
Bonnie grabbed me and threw me into his car.
"Bonnie no, you don't understand. I just wanted to see my mother's grave. I wanted to say one last goodbye."
He stopped the car, and turned to me.
"You what?"
"I-I just wanted to say a few things to my mother."
He started driving forward. Toward the city.
"Look, we have a jacket in the back. Put it on, and put the hood up as well. If anyone asks. Your her cousin. You understand?", he told me.
"Yes, thank you so much Bonnie. I love you."
We drove in silence, until we arrived. I got out and went to her grave. It was covered in flowers. I searched through the pockets on the coat only to find a pen, and a napkin. Crying, I decided to write on it. It read,
I love and miss you. Yes I did want to come back, but I realized my life was there. I had a family. You are the greatest woman who ever lived. Who ever walked on this earth. I want you to know, that I'm happy. And I hope your happy as well. I hope you've finally found peace where you are. I know I have. Too bad my two children will never meet you their grandmother I love you.

Sincerely, your daughter,

I tucked it under one of the flowers. Then ran back to the car. The whole car ride was silence. When we got home, we went straight to bed...

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