Chapter 31

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From Summer's Point of View
I wish I never had a baby. He won't stop crying. Ever. You know what, I wish I never suggested to text Sam and Dan. Then none of us would be like this. Blu has gone insane. She tells me I have, but let's be honest, I'm only doing the logical explanations. Suicide really is the only way out. That's why I've been attempting so much. But she won't let me. She never will. It's a living hell. Everyday of my life is another day I have to walk this earth in chains. In shackles that can never be escaped. Doug raped me every night. I've gotten used to it for the most part. But I try to get away any time I can. Right now, I should be in college, not be married, and not have had a baby. On the outside, he seems like the greatest guy. But on the inside, he's dead. Dead inside. They've called me crazy for talking to the devil himself. But I'm not. I really have. He's ready for us. But no one will believe me. And he really has Blu's mother. But no one will listen. Maybe if I were to murder them all in their sleep things would be better...
From Blu's point of view
Bonnie made a headstone for Glen. They buried him out in their yard. I kind of miss Glen. But it has to be done. At least the circle is no more. Leo agreed it was a bad decision from the start. Now we can live the rest of our lives here in peace. Matt is recovering well. Luckily, Glen didn't stab deep enough to kill him. And we're all happy for that. Summer keeps trying to kill herself, we've been trying to help her, but nothing will work. But oh well. Summer and I have been on the news recently a lot. Today was Sunday. It was a really chill day. Until the boys came back with guests.
"Hey we've got you two a surprise!", Bonnie told me.
Leo and Doug brought in two people, a girl and a boy. Both had bags over their heads. So we couldn't see their face. Bonnie ripped the bags off, and it was Sam, and Dan. Our old friends. My heart sank when I saw them. Summer went up to them to give them both huge hugs, but Doug shoved her onto the floor.
"Blu? Summer? You guys are alive? That's great!! We missed you so much!", Sam announced excitedly.
"Ya well I didn't miss you.", I told them.
She gave me a confused look. Bonnie led them to the couch. Dan started scratching, kicking, yelling. Everything just to get away. I don't know why Bonnie brought them. They're useless to us and only take up space.
"Well Blu don't you look different.", Dan said.
"What do you mean I look different."
Then the babies started crying.
"Oh excuse me for a minute.", I told them.
I got Shane and took him to the couch to quiet him down. Both Sam and Dan's mouths dropped when they saw him.
"Yo-you had a baby?!"
"Oh not just one, two!"
Bonnie brought in Violet. She was crying. Sam and Dan looked at each other.
"This is Violet, and this is Shane! They are only 2 months old!", I told them.
"Blu don't you want to leave? Why would you let that man crawl on top of you like that?", Sam asked.
"Well, that man, is a very nice man. Oh! Speaking of nice! You guys need to meet Matt! C'mon let's go!", I told them.
They followed me upstairs. Matt was sitting in bed reading a book.
"Who's this?", he asked smiling.
"Matt meet my friends I went to high school with! This is Sam, and this is Dan!"
They waved shyly. We all had a nice conversation and caught up on a lot of things. Maybe it won't be so bad for them to stay here. But I could sense the fear in them. They wanted to leave. Just like I did. But they'll get used to it. I know I have! Suddenly we heard a loud bang. And Doug screaming bloody murder at the top of his lungs...

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