Chapter 7

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At dinner we had spaghetti with meatballs. It was peaceful for the rest of the night. But Doug had to ruin it by asking Summer a question.
"Hey Summer, want to go make babies?"
She nodded knowing there's nothing she could do. There weren't any screams. None at all. Bonnie and I watched some tv before we went to bed. Summer and I were on the news again. Only this time they've seemed to have found something.
"Getting back to the Summer and Blu case, the police seem to have found the spot where they were kidnapped."
"Hey Doug and Summer get down here!", Bonnie called to them.
They came running down and sat on the couch.
"The police have taken the supplies they found in the woods. Blu's mother confirmed for us that those are the same supplies she gave to Blu that night. Police tested the supplies for any finger prints, and there were some on it, but it was not Summer and Blu. There also seemed to be blood splattered on some rocks. Which hints that they may have been killed.", the news anchor informed everyone.
Bonnie turned the tv off, and looked down.
"I'm sorry everyone thinks your dead."
For the first time since I've been here, he actually looked helpless.
"It's ok, I guess. At least I've got you.", I told him.
What did I just say? I don't want him! He kidnapped me! I can't believe I just said that. But before I could do anything else, Doug slapped Summer. She clutched her cheek.
"This is your fault! You should've took everything with you! You bitch!", he yelled at her.
"I'm sorry.", she sobbed.
"No your not! You little bastard!", he yelled again whilst smacking her in the face.
"Yes I am sorry!", she sobbed louder.
"Let's just go to our bedroom!", he yelled.
They walked upstairs. After they closed the door we could hear them arguing. Then Summer started screaming, and after that, she was silent. Oh I hope he didn't kill her.
"I'm sorry you had to witness that. Do you want to go to bed?", he asked me.
"She's not dead is she?", I asked him.
He shook his head, then we went up to bed.
I have no idea how everyone sleeps through all this screaming. Maybe they're just used to it.
We woke up to hear Doug yelling at Summer. She was crying too. Bonnie and I went downstairs to see what was going on.
"Hey Doug what's wrong?", Bonnie asked while yawning.
"She's pregnant! With twins! We can't have twins! We're supposed to just have one!", Doug yelled.
"Doug calm down it's not a big deal."
"Not a big deal we can't raise two!"
Bonnie shook his head and went to make breakfast. I went to sit with Summer who was crying on the couch.
"Hey it's ok. Bonnie and I will help you raise them.", I told her.
She shook her head, "You don't understand, the babies can't live in this condition. Knowing that daddy is in a cult. And Doug would probably abuse them."
She wasn't wrong. But I can't see Doug doing that. I know he wouldn't abuse his own children. Doug walked over to us.
"Ok maybe we can have two babies. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. We'll be ok. Ok? Give me a hug."
She hesitated at first but then went in for a hug. Soon breakfast was ready. Everyone was at the table. Doug then stood up.
"I have an announcement everyone. Summer and I... Are having twins!"
Everyone was saying things like 'it's about time', or, 'I'm so happy!' After breakfast was finished, Doug decided to clean up breakfast. Summer and Doug went upstairs where we heard yelling.
"What the hell, why did you let me on top of you last night! It's to soon we can't have twins!", Doug shouted.
We heard him slap Summer multiple times.
"I Love you so so much. Always remember that.", Bonnie said clutching my hand, "Say it back".
I hesitated, "I-I love you."
What did I just say?! Why would I say that?! I certainly do not Love him.
"Hey Bonnie I'm going to go use the bathroom.", I lied.
He nodded and I went up there. What I really wanted to do was listen to what was going on in Summer and Doug's room. They were quiet. So maybe they'd fallen back asleep. I went to our room and sat on the bed rocking back and forth, clutching my knees, whilst crying. Something was happening to me. I was changing too just like Summer. Except I wasn't going insane. Or maybe I was....

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