Chapter 33

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From Summer's point of view
At dinner everyone seemed so happy. Even Doug. Leo was telling us stories about how one time he had a pimple and it was awful. He's so arrogant. Who would ever like that? Blu was talking about how the babies have been keeping her up all night. Matt was telling us some story about England. Everyone was chatting. Except for me. I know Blu's mother is safe. I want Blu to reach her. I know she wants to touch the other side. I know that when she will, she'll never want to come back. There have been voices in my head. When I'm alone, I scream at them to go away. But they never do. In fact, they just get worse. They yell at me to kill Blu, and her babies. All because her mother wants to see them. I haven't felt happiness in almost three years now. Ever since we were brought here. It's like I can't feel anything anymore. There's just a gaping hole in my chest, longing to be filled with pureness. But it never will be. Blu has been telling me my mind doesn't function the way it used too. Jokes on her, it isn't even 'my' mind anymore. It's the voice's mind. They control me. Not enough for me to do anything horrible though. There's something there, something still in me that tells them 'it's wrong'. Which keeps me from doing what the voices want me to do. All I know is that tonight I am escaping. With Sam and Dan. I'll get up late. Grab the key, and run. Run to the city where I used to live. Run to where all the joy and happiness is. If this time I fail, I will kill myself. Along with Blu. So she can see her mother. Blu has changed so much as well. When we got here, she would do anything to escape. Now, she would do anything to stay. She isn't even human anymore. She's a mind controlled drone . A mindless slave. All because of Bonnie. He's corrupted her so badly. At this point, I don't know if she can be fixed. I would say that I love her. But I don't know how to feel that way anymore. I just want to die. Then everything would be better. I probably will tonight, Doug always seems to catch me. Whatever I'll try anyway. If I succeed, great. If I don't, we'll be getting a visit from death tonight.
Finally, Doug was fast asleep. I could tell because he was snoring. I got up very, very carefully. Then went downstairs too find Dan and Sam sleeping on the couch.
"Hey guys wake up!", I whispered to them.
I poked them a few more times, until they got up.
"Hey guys we're getting out tonight. We have to be very very quiet.", I told them.
They nodded and got up. Sam got me the key, and I unlocked the door. We got out, and surprisingly nobody heard us. Sam and Dan started talking until I hushed them.
"Guys we still need to be quiet.", I told them.
They nodded and we started running as fast as we could. I can't believe it. We're actually escaping. A smile spread across my face. I'd never been happier. Finally, I was feeling happiness. This is what it feels like. What it tastes like... What it... Smells like. Finally we reached the edge of the city.
"Ok guys, let's go to the police. I promise, we will never go back there.", I told them.
We ran as fast as we could into the city. And no one ever came for us...
From Blu's point of view
When we woke up Doug was yelling violently. Oh god, I hope Summer isn't pregnant again. Bonnie and I went downstairs to find Doug sitting on the couch. Alone. Where was Summer? And Dan? And Sam? Matt was on the other side of the room. Leo came running down the stairs. In a pink bathrobe and a sleep mask that said 'too perfect to be woken up' on it. Along with the teal furry slippers.
"What are you yelling about? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep! Oh, who am I kidding. I don't need beauty sleep! I'm already too beautiful!", he said.
"Well look around! Look who isn't here!", Doug screamed.
Leo searched the room. Then looked back at Doug.
"You finally decided to get rid of that blonde eh? About time. I was beginning to think she was prettier than me!", he did a hair flip.
Doug ran over to Leo and gripped his neck, making it hard for Leo to breath.
"Look you pretty in pink douche, my wife is gone. And do you know what that means?"
Leo shook his head.
"That means the police are gonna come, and fucking arrest all of us! Do you mother fucking want that?!"
Leo shook his head.
"Neither do I!", Doug let go of Leo, and Leo rubbed his neck, "Which means we are leaving. Today. Somewhere they will never find us. So that means we all gotta pack."
"But where will we go?", Bonnie asked.
Doug looked at him with an angry face, but there was fear in his eyes
"I don't know. But we will find somewhere."
"That's gonna be nearly impossible with all the police and everyth-", Leo was cut off by Doug.
"Just pack your shit pretty boy!"
Leo ran upstairs to start packing. Everyone did. As soon as we were done, everyone hopped in the truck, and left. Doug turned up the radio loud, blaring music. The whole ride was silent. I don't know how Summer could do this. How could she betray her family like this? I knew she's changed. I knew from the start. She always said how Bonnie is bad, and that he's changed me. But I haven't. She has though. She just won't admit it. She even left behind her little Jordan. Matt has to hold him in his lap for the entire ride. Well I mean, I had to hold two babies. But still, she left behind her baby. You don't do that. You just don't. Bonnie has always been right. Unfortunately Summer was just too selfish to see that. She will never understand me at all. Never. Bonnie has shown me what real love is. No guy has ever been that nice before. He has been a great father to our two babies. He always will. I barely even feel sadness anymore. That's just how great this family is. If only Summer could've opened her eyes to see that. They look out for each other. The cult is gone, so there will not be anymore killings. Which makes me so happy my babies won't be raised in that type of environment. They've got Matt, who's an excellent chef, and a perfect friend. Bonnie, aka the sweetest guy you'll meet. Doug, who just wanted somebody to love. Someone to hold. Leo, the arrogant yet really attractive one. And Glen, the sarcastic witty one, who had all the brains. Unfortunately Glen is no longer with us. I couldn't ask for a greater family. Bonnie was right when he said not to worry about my family. Sure my mother killed herself, but like Bonnie said, 'that's her choice, not ours'. This is where I belong. This is  my rightful place. As a loving and caring mother... and wife....

Author's note: Hey! I hope you enjoyed the story!! There is a book two to this! Thank you all so much for reading my story! It's been a blast to write! Like I said, make sure to check out book two to this! Which is out now! Love everyone! <3 <3 ;D

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