Chapter 26

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Two more months went by, and my mom is dead. I couldn't believe it. Everyone thought I was dead too, but I'm not. I'm happier than I've ever been. The baby should be coming any day now. Everyone has been a lot nicer to me ever since that day I found out my mom was dead. Summer kept telling me that she was right. That it's my fault she's dead. But it's not. It's no ones fault but hers. She shouldn't have killed herself over this. Bonnie told me that it was her fault, at first I didn't believe him, but now I realize that he's right. It is her fault she's dead. Matt keeps telling me that he's sorry, and he feels terrible. I keep telling him that it's ok and not to worry about it. Whenever I tell Matt, he just shakes his head. Bonnie said I shouldn't worry about it, so I don't. Today is Friday, everyone is home, watching a movie. Matt made us all popcorn too. We're just having a really chill movie day. Mostly because it's raining outside. Right when we started Nemo, I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. Then another, and the pain really started to kick in. I stood up clenching my stomach.
"Hey what's wrong?", Bonnie asked me.
"I... I think the baby is coming.", I announced.
Then I winced out in pain a few times.
"Ok we're going to do the same thing we did with Summer. Let's get to the bathtub.", Glen said.
I went as quickly as I could. I cried out in pain. Matt was holding my hand telling me it's ok, and to squeeze his hand as hard as I need to. Bonnie was on the side telling me to breath, and that he'll help me get through this. Leo and Doug were in the other room with Summer, Jordan, and the dog. Luckily Glen didn't need the forceps this time. Finally, the baby was out. I felt so relaxed after that. All was good until I heard Glen say,
"There's another one! Blu, your having twins!"
"What?!", Bonnie, Matt, and I said at the same time.
Bonnie was panicking yet still telling me to breathe. I was still squeezing Matt's hand. After about 5 hours, I was finally done. Glen called Doug in to wash the babies. I felt like I was coming in and out of conciseness. Matt kept tapping my cheeks.
"Stay with us Blu! Please! Stay! C'mon!", Matt told me.
My eyes started closing. I felt someone kiss my lips, and I blacked out.
I woke up in my bed. Matt was sitting in the chair next to me. He was just staring at me.
"Hey, your finally awake.", he said to me in a whispered voice.
"Ya, wh-where's, where's my babies?"
"Bonnie has them downstairs. Would you like me to tell them your awake?", he asked me.
"Yes... Please."
He nodded and went to get them. I could feel myself sweating so much. I realized my woman area was all stitched up. Suddenly Bonnie came in and was holding both babies.
"Hey. You want to see the babies?", he asked me.
I nodded. He handed me both of them. They looked exactly alike. Which looked like a mix of Bonnie and I. One was a girl and the other was a boy.
"What should we name them.", Bonnie said.
"For the girl, I like... Violet.", I told him.
"Ya I like that name. For the boy I think we should name him... Shane."
I nodded, "Ya, Shane."
Bonnie went in to hug us. He squeezed us tight. I finally had a family. This is the happiest day of my life...

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