Chapter 4

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Glen, Bonnie, Mark, and Doug all came back. In walked someone else I hadn't met yet. Although he was one of the people on the couch yesterday. He had beautiful blond hair. Sassy brown eyes, and the manliest chin ever. There wasn't a pimple on his face. He was beautiful.
"Oh, hey, I'm Leo. Very nice to meet you. Oh you two are some good lookin ladies! But of course, not as beautiful as me!", he said with attitude.
"That's Leo he's really dramatic. Anyway... How was your day? Sorry we took so long, we had to pick up Leo from a photo shoot.", Bonnie said.
"It was fine. You guys took a while so Summer and I made dinner. It's chicken with corn.", I told him.
He squeezed me tight and whispered thank you in my ear, then kissed my cheek. We all started eating in the same spots as this morning, again in silence. Summer and I cleaned up the meal this time. We watched some tv for a little bit.
"Hey put on the news.", Doug said.
Glen put the news on and me and Summer's faces were on the tv.
"Two teenage girls reported missing since yesterday. No one has found any sign of them yet. But we do have the two mothers of the missing girls.", the news anchor said.
My mom and Summer's appeared on the screen, "Summer if you are watching this, know that I'm coming to find you! And I Love you. So so much. I miss you!," then it was my moms turn, "Blu don't lose hope. We are coming to find you. There are search parties looking for you. We're doing everything we possibly can. And we will find you!"
Everyone in the living room looked at us. Summer and I both blushed. Glen turned the tv off.
"Well time for everyone to get to bed.", Glen said.
Doug had to carry Summer over his shoulders because she refused to go. She was kicking, screaming, punching, and there's nothing I could do. It made me so sad. At least Bonnie isn't like that. Bonnie and I went upstairs.
He sighed, "I'm soooo glad you're not that difficult! I Love you. Now let's brush our teeth and go to bed."
I nodded and we brushed our teeth. I have a perfect plan in mind. When Bonnie goes to sleep, I'm going to sneak out. I know it's bad to leave Summer, but once I get the cops, she'll get out of here in no time at all. I just have to wait for Bonnie to sleep.
Finally, I heard him snoring. That definitely meant he was sleeping. I got up very slowly and quietly. The door was closed so I had to be extra careful when I opened it. I slowly opened it. Luckily there was no noise. I tip toed down the the hallway. Past Summer and Dougs room. I heard screams coming out of it.
"I'll save you soon Summer.", I whispered very quietly.
I went down the stairs and to the front door. All of a sudden, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Shit! I thought. I turned around only to find Bonnie standing right behind me.
"What the fuck do you think your doing?", he yelled.
I tried to open it but it was locked. He scooped me up and put me over his shoulder. I started kicking him, biting him, punching him. I was even yelling. He laid me down hard on the bed, and slapped me in the face.
"What the hell? Your ass is mine! Do you understand? Your never getting the fuck out!", he shouted at me angrily.
He started to hit my face harder. I could feel blood dripping down my face. Pretty sure I got a black eye.
"Just for that. Get naked. Do it now!", he yelled at me.
I shook my head no whilst crying.
"Fine I'll do it!"
He cut my clothes open. All of them. Ripped them off and sat on top of me. He's raping me, I thought. I was screaming at this point. He finally got off of me, and I was shaking while crying.
"Now go to fucking bed.", he told me demandingly.
"No! I'm going to escape!", I yelled at him.
"You know what. I'll just drug your ass to sleep.", he told me.
"No no no no no please please!!!"
Tears were streaming down my face. He came in with a needle and syringe.
"This is for your own good Blu."
The needle went into my neck and I shrieked. Suddenly, it became easier to sleep then it ever had...

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