Chapter 10

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Everyone finally got home. It was really early though. When they did got home, an unfamiliar face walked in. He looked to be Asian, with black hair and glasses on his sparkling blue eyes. Bonnie came over to Summer and I.
"Hey guys, this is CD. He's our scientist in the cult. Sometimes instead of burning the bodies, we give them to him! So he can experiment on them!", Bonnie told us.
CD walked over to us. I was wondering if his name stood for something.
"Hello, it's very nice to meet two, beautiful ladies."
"It's nice to meet you too. I'm Blu, and this is Summer."
He was kind of creepy. The tone which he talked in was just, strange. When he started walking over to Summer, I held onto her arm tight.
"Summer.... Summer... What a lovely name. You must be very happy here...", he told her.
Doug looked at her. It was a face that read, 'if you mess up you know what'll happen'.
"Yes! I-I'm very happy here! I'm even ex-expecting!"
Why would she tell that to literally the creepiest guy ever? But as soon as she said that, CD's face lit up.
"Wow, that's very... Interesting. Interesting indeed..."
"May I ask, what does CD stand for?", I asked him.
He looked at me with the angriest face ever, "It stands for nothing! That's what everyone calls me! And if they don't, well, they will just have to become one of my experiments won't they!?"
I swallowed hard. I went upstairs where Bonnie seemed to be. He was sitting on the bed, looked like he was thinking.
"Hey, why'd you come up here? What's wrong?", I asked.
"You make sure that CD stays away from Summer. He's going to be alone with you two tomorrow. Because we can't take him with us. Just make sure he stays away from her.", he told me in a panicked voice.
"What why? What will he do?"
He looked at me as if telling me, 'you don't want to know'.
"Because she is having a baby, he will want to try an experiment on her. You have to make sure that doesn't happen tomorrow."
I nodded and sat down with him, while rubbing his back.
"Do you want to just skip dinner tonight?", I asked.
He nodded his head in agreement. He kissed me. I hesitated, but then I just got into it. He was hugging me, but then soon dragged me down so I was laying down on the bed. Bonnie was so into romance I guess. But when we were done, both of us fell asleep.
I woke up at the same time as Bonnie.
"Ok all of us are leaving to go to the cult meeting, CD can't come to this one though. So he is staying with you guys. Remember what I said last night. Always stay with her."
I nodded. He kissed me on the cheek. Then they were gone. I didn't care about showering today. I cared about protecting Summer. I ran downstairs, only to find she wasn't down there. My heart started beating fast. I heard Summer scream.
"Summer! Where are you?", I called out to her.
I heard her screams again. They didn't sound like they were in the house. I looked out the window to find CD putting Summer into his car. I ran to the front door, which CD left open, then started attacking CD. He threw me off of him, then picked me up and threw me in the car too.
"Let's take a little ride shall we?", he told us.
"What are you going to do?", I asked him nervously.
"You'll see when we get there..."
I hope Bonnie knows where he is taking us. So he can rescue Summer and I...

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